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1.10.0 by Winston Chang, 9 days ago,

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Authors: Winston Chang [aut, cre] , Joe Cheng [aut] , JJ Allaire [aut] , Carson Sievert [aut] , Barret Schloerke [aut] , Yihui Xie [aut] , Jeff Allen [aut] , Jonathan McPherson [aut] , Alan Dipert [aut] , Barbara Borges [aut] , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd] , jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library) , jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt) , jQuery UI contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery UI library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt) , Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Twitter , Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library) , Prem Nawaz Khan [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin) , Victor Tsaran [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin) , Dennis Lembree [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin) , Srinivasu Chakravarthula [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin) , Cathy O'Connor [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin) , PayPal , Inc [cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin) , Stefan Petre [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library) , Andrew Rowls [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library) , Brian Reavis [ctb, cph] (selectize.js library) , Salmen Bejaoui [ctb, cph] (selectize-plugin-a11y library) , Denis Ineshin [ctb, cph] (ion.rangeSlider library) , Sami Samhuri [ctb, cph] (Javascript strftime library) , SpryMedia Limited [ctb, cph] (DataTables library) , John Fraser [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library) , John Gruber [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library) , Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library) , R Core Team [ctb, cph] (tar implementation from R)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 | file LICENSE license

Imports utils, grDevices, httpuv, mime, jsonlite, xtable, fontawesome, htmltools, R6, sourcetools, later, promises, tools, crayon, rlang, fastmap, withr, commonmark, glue, bslib, cachem, lifecycle

Depends on methods

Suggests coro, datasets, DT, Cairo, testthat, knitr, markdown, rmarkdown, ggplot2, reactlog, magrittr, yaml, future, dygraphs, ragg, showtext, sass

Imported by ABACUS, AFM, ANOVAIREVA, ANOVAShiny, ANOVAShiny2, APIS, ARTofR, AdaptGauss, AdhereRViz, AdverseEvents, AmpGram, AmyloGram, AnthropMMD, AovBay, AtlasMaker, AtmChile, AutoDeskR, AzureAppInsights, BBEST, BEACH, BED, BETS, BLRShiny, BLRShiny2, BayesDissolution, BayesianNetwork, BiasCorrector, BioVizSeq, BlockmodelingGUI, CCWeights, CGNM, CLUSTShiny, CMShiny, CNVScope, CRANsearcher, CTAShiny, CTShiny, CTShiny2, CTTShiny, CaPO4Sim, CamelUp, CancerGram, Certara.R, Certara.RsNLME.ModelBuilder, Certara.VPCResults, ChannelAttributionApp, Clustering, CruzPlot, DBTCShiny, DCEtool, DIFshiny, DQAgui, DTAT, DVHmetrics, DataEditR, DataMetProcess, DateTimeRangePicker, DeltaMAN, DistPlotter, DrugExposureDiagnostics, DynNom, ECharts2Shiny, EMMAgeo, EMSaov, ERSA, Eagle, EffectLiteR, EgoCor, EpiSignalDetection, ErlangC, EuclideanSD, EventDetectGUI, ExPanDaR, FAST.R, FAfA, FSK2R, FedIRT, FielDHub, FossilSimShiny, FreqProf, FuzzyR, G2Sd, GDINA, GFD, GFDrmst, GFDrmtl, GFDsurv, GMSE, GOFShiny, GRShiny, GTFSwizard, GWSDAT, GWalkR, GenEst, GenoTriplo, GeoWeightedModel, GetDFPData2, Greymodels, HACSim, HH, HKRbook, HaDeX, Holomics, IDEAFilter, IDEATools, IGoRRR, IMP, INSPECTumours, IOHanalyzer, IRR2FPR, IRTShiny, IceSat2R, InspectionPlanner, Isinglandr, IsoCor, JMbayes, JustifyAlpha, KCSKNNShiny, KCSNBShiny, KLINK, KNNShiny, LBSPR, LCMSQA, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, LFApp, LearnPCA, LifemapR, MCPModPack, MDMAPR, MDSPCAShiny, MIMSunit, MNLR, MadanText, MadanTextNetwork, MainExistingDatasets, MedianaDesigner, MetSizeR, MethodOpt, MiMIR, MixviR, MtreeRing, MuChPoint, MultiscaleDTM, NACHO, NBShiny, NBShiny2, NBShiny3, NDP, NGLVieweR, NNTbiomarker, NestedMenu, NetSimR, NiLeDAM, NormalityAssessment, NutrienTrackeR, OWEA, OhdsiShinyAppBuilder, OlympicRshiny, OmopViewer, One4All, OpenImageR, OpenRepGrid.ic, OpenSpecy, PAMpal, PAMscapes, PDShiny, PELVIS, PKbioanalysis, PKconverter, PREPShiny, PRISMA2020, PROBShiny, PSS.Health, PakNAcc, PakPC, PhytosanitaryCalculator, PolisheR, Poly4AT, ProjectionBasedClustering, PupilPre, QCA, QRAGadget, QurvE, R2sample, RALSA, RCTrep, REDCapCAST, RInno, RLumShiny, RSDK, RSP, Racmacs, RadialVisGadgets, RanglaPunjab, RawHummus, RchivalTag, ReDaMoR, ReturnCurves, ReviewR, Rfssa, SDEFSR, SEAHORS, SHELF, SIAmodules, SIAtools, SINRELEF.LD, SOMEnv, SOMbrero, SPARTAAS, SRTsim, SSDM, STAT, STAT2, SemNetCleaner, SensMap, Seurat, ShinyLink, ShinyQuickStarter, SouthParkRshiny, Spectran, SqueakR, StabilityApp, Statsomat, StepReg, StereoMorph, StratigrapheR, T2Qv, TAShiny, TKCat, TR8, TaylorRussell, Ternary, TreatmentPatterns, TreeDist, TreeSearch, UBayFS, UCSCXenaShiny, Umatrix, UpDown, VOSONDash, VTShiny, VWPre, VarSelLCM, ViSe, WeibullR.shiny, aIc, abstractr, activAnalyzer, adaptiveGPCA, addinsOutline, addinslist, adegenet, adepro, adespatial, agcounts, airGRteaching, akiFlagger, annotator, antaresRead, antaresViz, apexcharter, apisensr, appRiori, archeoViz, arena2r, argonDash, asciiSetupReader, auth0, autoTS, autoharp, autoshiny, aweSOM, azuremlsdk, baRcodeR, backtestGraphics, batchLLM, bayMDS, bayesMRM, bayesROE, bayesmove, bdDwC, bea.R, bestSDP, bibliometrix, biblioverlap, billboarder, binovisualfields, biodosetools, blrm, blsBandit, bnRep, bnviewer, bootwar, bridger2, bs4Dash, bulkAnalyseR, bullwhipgame, bunchr, bupaR, caffsim, carbonr,, cascadeSelect, causaloptim, centrifugeR, chatgpt, chattr, cheem, chipPCR, cicerone, circletyper, cjoint, cleanTS, cmsaf, cofad, cognitoR, colocr, colourpicker, comFuncs, condir, conductor, condvis2, conflr, consortr, convdistr, convertr, cookies, corporaexplorer, corrViz, cosinor, countfitteR, coveffectsplot,, cppcheckR, crispRdesignR, cromwellDashboard, dPCP, damAOI, daqapo, dartR, dartR.sim, dataCompare, datacleanr, datamods, datasets.load, dataspice, daterangepicker, ddpcr, ddsPLS, deBif, deseats, designer, detzrcr, dextergui, dipsaus, discoveR, distcomp, distreg.vis, dlmtree, dlookr, dosedesignR, doublIn, dplyrAssist, drawer, drawsample, dropR, dtwclust, eAnalytics, eCerto, eSDM, easySdcTable, easylabel, echarts4r, edeaR, edgebundleR, editData, editbl, effectR, einet, eirm, elaborator, emailjsr, emuR, enmSdmX, epicmodel, epitweetr, equatiomatic, eseis, espadon, esquisse, estadistica, eufmdis.adapt, eventPred, evobiR, exactamente, explor, exploratory, explore, ezr, farrell, fasterRaster, fdapaceShiny, felp, filterNHP, findInFiles, findviews, fio, firebase, fishRman, fitODBODRshiny, fitteR, fitur, flexdashboard,, forecasteR, forestmangr, formods, frailtypack, fresh, fude, fusionchartsR, gamesGA, gargoyle, gastempt, genBaRcode, genTS, geneHapR, genogeographer, geocmeans, geodrawr, gestate, gfonts, ggExtra, ggThemeAssist, ggedit, ggpca, ggplotAssist, ggplotgui, ggquickeda, ggsem, ggvis, ggvolcano, gimmeTools, gitgadget, golem, googleway, gptstudio, gradientPickerD3, grapesAgri1, gratis, gravitas, greeks, gridsampler, gridstackeR, groqR, guiplot, gwavr, gwid, gwpcormapper, hR, handcodeR, handwriterApp, healthfinance, heiscore, hidecan, histoslider, holi, hover, howler, htetree, html2R, htsr, hwordcloud, iCellR, iSTATS, icertool, ichimoku, idcnrba, ideanet, iglu, igraphinshiny, immunarch, imola, insane, interca, ioncopy, ipc, irtDemo, irtGUI, irtawsi, istat, itol.toolkit, ixplorer, journalabbr, jpmesh, jqbr, jsTreeR, jsmodule, keys, kgraph, kgschart, kindisperse, lakhesis, lareshiny, lavaan.shiny, lavaangui, lcars, leafdown, learnr, lessR, lifelogr, lightsout, liminal, linguisticsdown, linkspotter, linne, listviewer, live, lmviz, loadeR, login, logrx, lrstat, mailmerge, makemyprior, manipulateWidget, mapdeck, mapedit, mapmixture, markdownInput, mcvis, medfate, medfateland, meltt, memapp, memery, merTools, mergenstudio, metaconfoundr, mgcViz, microhaplot, midas, miniMeta, miniUI, mipplot, mispitools, mldr, mlr3shiny, mmaqshiny, mmiCATs, mmibain, mmints, mmirestriktor, mmstat4, modest, modgetxl, monaco, monitOS, monographaR, moodlequizR, moreparty, mplot, mstrio, multiActionButton, multilevelcoda, mycaas, naturaList, nbc4va, neo4r, neodistr, nextGenShinyApps, normalr, normfluodbf, npboottprm, npboottprmFBar, npregfast, objectremover, occupationMeasurement, oceanexplorer, octopus, omicsTools, oolong, optedr, packagefinder, pairsD3, pannotator, papci, paramGUI, pargasite, pema, periscope, periscope2, perplexR, personr, phase, phm, picClip, pipefittr, pixels, plotROC, pmxcode, polaroid, polished, poppr, populationPDXdesign, powdR, ppcSpatial, pqantimalarials, praatpicture, precisely, predhy.GUI, predictoR, presize, prettifyAddins, processmapR, processmonitR, prompter, protein8k, protoshiny, pushbar, qPRAentry, qgam, qgshiny, qlcData, qqvases, qrlabelr, qsplines, quadraticSD, quarks, questionr, r2fireworks, r2resize, r2social, r6methods, rAmCharts4, rPackedBar, rabi, radiant, radiant.basics,,, radiant.model, radiant.multivariate, rainette, rangeModelMetadata, rassta, rcbayes, rclipboard, rcrossref, rddapp, reactable.extras, reactablefmtr, refund.shiny, regexSelect, regressoR, revtools, rheroicons, rhino, rintrojs, roadoi, robmedExtra, romic, rpredictit, rrtable, rtabulator, ruminate, rusk, safetyCharts, safetyGraphics, samr, santaR, scdtb, scenes, scoutbaR, sdcHierarchies, sdcMicro, seasonalview, semantic.dashboard, semdrw, sendigR, sever, sglr, shidashi, shiny.blueprint, shiny.destroy, shiny.emptystate, shiny.fluent, shiny.i18n,, shiny.pwa, shiny.react, shiny.router, shiny.semantic, shiny.tailwind, shiny.telemetry, shinyAce, shinyBS, shinyChakraSlider, shinyChakraUI, shinyChatR, shinyCohortBuilder, shinyCox, shinyDND, shinyDatetimePickers, shinyEffects, shinyExprPortal, shinyFeedback, shinyFiles, shinyGizmo, shinyGovstyle, shinyHeatmaply, shinyIRT, shinyInvoice, shinyKGode, shinyKnobs, shinyLP, shinyLottie, shinyML, shinyMatrix, shinyMergely, shinyMobile, shinyMolBio, shinyMonacoEditor, shinyNORRRM, shinyNotes, shinyQueryBuilder, shinyRGL, shinyRadioMatrix, shinyRatings, shinySbm, shinySearchbar, shinyStorePlus, shinyTempSignal, shinyTime, shinyToastify, shinyTree, shinyWGD, shinyWidgets, shinyXYpad, shinyaframe, shinyalert, shinyanimate, shinyauthr, shinybrms, shinybrowser, shinybusy, shinychat, shinycssloaders, shinycustomloader, shinydashboard, shinydashboardPlus, shinydbauth, shinydisconnect, shinydlplot, shinydrive, shinyfilter, shinyfullscreen, shinyglide, shinyhelper, shinyjqui, shinyjs, shinylogs, shinymanager, shinymaterial, shinymeta, shinymodels, shinyobjects, shinypanel, shinypanels, shinypivottabler, shinyquiz, shinyrecipes, shinyreforms, shinyscreenshot, shinyservicebot, shinysurveys, shinytest, shinytest2, shinythemes, shinytitle, shinytoastr, shinyvalidate, sigmajs, signalHsmm, simCAT, simRestore, simrel, sistec, sketch, sleeperapi, slendr, smvgraph, snahelper, snotelr,, soilphysics, sortable, soundClass, soundgen, spinifex, spoiler, squid, ssd4mosaic, standby, starry, statsr, stmgui, stminsights, subscreen, superb, surveydown, survivoR, swirlify, symbol.equation.gpt, tRigon, tableHTML, tablerDash, taipan, tapLock, tcgaViz, teal.logger, teal.modules.clinical, teal.reporter, teal.slice, teal.transform, teal.widgets, textAnnotatoR, tfrmtbuilder, threeBrain, tidyCDISC, tidygate, timbeR, timevis, tippy, toastui, toxEval, toxSummary, tr.iatgen, trackdem, trackeRapp, treemap, treespace, tricolore, tsibbletalk, tsviz, tutorial.helpers, ubiquity, umiAnalyzer, urlshorteneR, vctsfr, vfinputs, vici, video, viewpoly, visualFields, visvaR, visvow, visxhclust, voiceR, volcanoPlot, voronoiTreemap, vov, vtree, vvdoctor, vvshiny, waiter, webr, wilson, wppExplorer, xplorerr, yuimaGUI, zooimage, zscorer.

Depended on by AFheritability, AMPLE, BDP2, BoneProfileR, CLME, CTTinShiny, DSAIDE, DSAIRM, EQUALSTATS, Factoshiny, GerminaR, ICSShiny, KappaGUI, LipidMS, MetaAnalyser, PERK, ProbBayes, QTL.gCIMapping.GUI, REPPlabShiny, RSCAT, Repliscope, SEA, SRS, Sofi, SubVis, TestAnaAPP, TimeVizPro, WordListsAnalytics, airship, animalEKF, bde, clinDR, cocktailApp, competitiontoolbox, complexity, conmet, crunchy, cyjShiny, demoShiny, dragulaR, epimdr, epimdr2, epiworldRShiny, gde, ggraptR, glossa, gmDatabase, iAdapt, idefix, ifaTools, interimApp, inti, kesernetwork, kgc, loon.shiny, lotterybr, matman, meta4diag, mirtCAT, monobinShiny, mrMLM.GUI, multichull, mwshiny, netShiny, oceanis, ontoFAST, optimStrat, phecodemap, pioneeR, plotSEMM, rblt, serieslcb, shiny.reglog, shinyHugePlot, shinyMixR, shinySIR, shinymgr, shinystan, spANOVA, spsComps, statnetWeb, teal, teal.modules.general, tipsae, wallace.

Suggested by AMModels, ARPobservation, AzureAuth, BIGL, BayesNetBP, DIZtools, DMCfun, DRomics, DT, DescrTab2, EML, EpiModel, GDAtools, GMCM, HYPEtools, HelpersMG, HospitalNetwork, IFC, ImportExport, LDAvis, MSEtool, Mondrian, PROsetta, ParallelLogger, PhenotypeR, PopED, RDML, RQuantLib, RagGrid, Rilostat, Rnvd3, SAMtool, SMITIDvisu, SSVS, SemNeT, ShinyItemAnalysis, Signac, SimDesign, SimSurvey, SingleCaseES, SqlRender, TestDesign, UCSCXenaTools, VineCopula, actxps, aifeducation, amVennDiagram5, amapro, analyzer, animate, animint2, aniview, aos, archivist, argoFloats, argonR, arulesViz, askgpt, assertions, bSims, backpipe, basictabler, beanz, blockCV, blogdown, bookdown, boomer, box, box.linters, bpbounds, bpmnVisualizationR, brickset, brms, bscui, bslib, bsplus, bsub, businessPlanR, cNORM, camtrapR, canvasXpress, cascadess, cbsodataR, codebook, cohortBuilder, colorspace, cols4all, compareGroups, condformat, condvis, countdown, credsubs, cronR, crosstalk, ctsem, cubeview, d3po, data.validator, dataquieR, datefixR, deckgl, deepdep, delayed, detourr, diffr, diffviewer, disaggR, disk.frame, distill, dm, echarty, eemR, egor, embryogrowth, enviGCMS, epicontacts, epoxy, eq5d, evsim, excelR, ezplot, fanplot, findInGit, finnsurveytext, flacco, flora, formatR, formattable, freewall, frequency, g3viz, geneSLOPE, genepop, geonode4R, geosapi, geslaR, ggVennDiagram, ggalluvial, ggiraph, gitlabr, gitlink, gm, googleAnalyticsR, googleAuthR, googleLanguageR, googlePubsubR, googleVis, grandR, graph3d, gt, hchinamap, highcharter, highlightHTML, hpackedbubble, htmltools, hyd1d, hydflood, hypothesis, ibdsim2, idem, idiogramFISH, iheatmapr, imagefluency, influential, inlabru, ipumsr, knitrdata, koRpus, lactater, landsepi, langevitour, lcsm, leafgl, leaflet, leaflet.extras2, leaflet.minicharts, leprechaun, likert, lime, lineupjs, linpk, log, logger, mapboxer, mapgl, metamer, metathis, micromodal, midoc, minidown, mirt, mlxR, moRphomenses, motifr, mtscr, netCoin, netrankr, nph, openairmaps, openmetrics, oppr, optimall, optistock, pagemap, parallelPlot, parcats, patientProfilesVis, pbapply, pcFactorStan, pcadapt, pdfsearch, pedbp, phenocamr, phenology, phosphoricons, picker, pins,, pivottabler, pkgsearch, plainview, planr, plotly, pmd, polmineR, pool, processanimateR, profvis, progressr, proporz, protti, qmethod, qqplotr, quadcleanR, r2d3, r3dmol, r4ss, rAmCharts, rD3plot, radarchart, rbcb, rbin, rco, rdwd, reactCheckbox, reactR, reactable, reactlog, recmap, recogito, renv, repo, reprex, rgl, rhandsontable, rivr, rmarkdown, rplanes, rsconnect, rstanarm, ruv, rwalkr, rxode2, sadists, sankeywheel, sarp.snowprofile.alignment, sass, scDiffCom, scan, scatterPlotMatrix, scdhlm, sdm, selenider, semantic.assets, shiny.exe, shinyPredict, shinySelect, shinycroneditor, shotGroups, simglm, sinew, skpr, solvebio, spant, sparkline, sparklyr, starsTileServer, strand, swipeR, tablet, tabulapdf, targets, taskscheduleR, teal.code, testthat, texPreview, thematic, thorn, tidycwl, tidytlg, tidyvpc, tigerstats, tmap, tmaptools, tower, trelliscopejs, unmarked, ursa, vchartr, vegawidget, visNetwork, visit, vueR, webshot, webshot2, weightr, whippr, wiqid, workflowr, ymlthis.

Enhanced by collapsibleTree, dygraphs, gap, htmlwidgets, leafpm, networkD3, robservable, rpivotTable, scatterD3, shinyhttr, this.path, threejs, wordcloud2.

See at CRAN