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0.3-24 by Aurélie Siberchicot, 5 months ago,
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Authors: Stéphane Dray [aut] , David Bauman [ctb] , Guillaume Blanchet [ctb] , Daniel Borcard [ctb] , Sylvie Clappe [ctb] , Guillaume Guenard [ctb] , Thibaut Jombart [ctb] , Guillaume Larocque [ctb] , Pierre Legendre [ctb] , Naima Madi [ctb] , Hélène H Wagner [ctb] , Aurélie Siberchicot [ctb, cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports ade4, adegraphics, adephylo, sp, spdep, lattice, methods, grDevices, graphics, MASS, stats, utils, shiny, vegan
Suggests knitr, ape, rmarkdown, betapart
Imported by CommEcol, OCNet.
Suggested by Guerry, MiscMetabar, UpSetVP, adegenet.
See at CRAN