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0.7.0 by Andrew C. Hooker, 6 months ago,
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Authors: Andrew C. Hooker [aut, cre, trl, cph] , Marco Foracchia [aut] (O-Matrix version) , Eric Stroemberg [ctb] (MATLAB version) , Martin Fink [ctb] (Streamlining code , added functionality , vignettes) , Giulia Lestini [ctb] (Streamlining code , added functionality , vignettes) , Sebastian Ueckert [aut] (MATLAB version , , Joakim Nyberg [aut] (MATLAB version)
Documentation: PDF Manual
LGPL (>= 3) license
Imports ggplot2, MASS, mvtnorm, dplyr, codetools, stats, utils, magrittr, boot, purrr, stringr, tibble, gtools
Suggests testthat, Hmisc, nlme, GA, deSolve, Rcpp, shiny, rhandsontable, knitr, rmarkdown, gridExtra, covr, devtools, mrgsolve
Imported by ncappc.
Suggested by babelmixr2.
See at CRAN