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0.1.6 by Zhengjia Wang, 10 months ago,
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Authors: Zhengjia Wang [cph, aut, cre] , ColorlibHQ [cph] (AdminLTE - Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard) , Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Twitter , Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library) , Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library) , Rene Haas [ctb, cph] (OverlayScrollbars library) , Zeno Rocha [ctb, cph] (Clipboard.js library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports utils, digest, fastmap, formatR, httr, shiny, yaml, jsonlite
Suggests htmltools, logger, rstudioapi, ggplot2, ggExtra
See at CRAN