Reference manual

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5.2.1 by Rahul Satija, 2 months ago,

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Authors: Andrew Butler [ctb] , Saket Choudhary [ctb] , David Collins [ctb] , Charlotte Darby [ctb] , Jeff Farrell [ctb] , Isabella Grabski [ctb] , Christoph Hafemeister [ctb] , Yuhan Hao [ctb] , Austin Hartman [ctb] , Paul Hoffman [ctb] , Jaison Jain [ctb] , Longda Jiang [ctb] , Madeline Kowalski [ctb] , Skylar Li [ctb] , Gesmira Molla [ctb] , Efthymia Papalexi [ctb] , Patrick Roelli [ctb] , Rahul Satija [aut, cre] , Karthik Shekhar [ctb] , Avi Srivastava [ctb] , Tim Stuart [ctb] , Kristof Torkenczy [ctb] , Shiwei Zheng [ctb] , Satija Lab and Collaborators [fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports cluster, cowplot, fastDummies, fitdistrplus, future, future.apply, generics, ggplot2, ggrepel, ggridges, graphics, grDevices, grid, httr, ica, igraph, irlba, jsonlite, KernSmooth, leidenbase, lifecycle, lmtest, MASS, Matrix, matrixStats, miniUI, patchwork, pbapply, plotly, png, progressr, RANN, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, RcppAnnoy, RcppHNSW, reticulate, rlang, ROCR, RSpectra, Rtsne, scales, scattermore, sctransform, shiny, spatstat.explore, spatstat.geom, stats, tibble, tools, utils, uwot

Depends on methods, SeuratObject

Suggests ape, arrow, Biobase, BiocGenerics, BPCells, data.table, DESeq2, DelayedArray, enrichR, GenomicRanges, GenomeInfoDb, glmGamPoi, ggrastr, harmony, hdf5r, IRanges, limma, MAST, metap, mixtools, monocle, presto, rsvd, R.utils, Rfast2, rtracklayer, S4Vectors, sf, SingleCellExperiment, SummarizedExperiment, testthat, VGAM

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppProgress

Imported by APackOfTheClones, AnanseSeurat, CAESAR.Suite, CAMML, CIDER, ClustAssess, DR.SC, DWLS, GeneNMF, HetSeq, PRECAST, Platypus, PoweREST, ProFAST, SCIntRuler, SCRIP, SPECK, STREAK, SeuratExplorer, SignacX, SlideCNA, SoupX, SpaCCI, bbknnR, ggsector, mixhvg, nebula, rPanglaoDB, scAnnotate, scDiffCom, scGOclust, scGate, scMappR, scPipeline, scRNAstat, scaper, sccca, scperturbR, scpoisson, tidyseurat.

Depended on by CACIMAR, SCdeconR, scCustomize.

Suggested by BisqueRNA, CIARA, CRMetrics, Canek, ClusterGVis, CytoSimplex, DIscBIO, RESET, SCORPIUS, SCpubr, Signac, SuperCell, VAM, cellpypes, clustree, combiroc, conos, countland, dyngen, easybio, grandR, harmony, laminr, mxfda, rliger, scregclust, treefit.

Enhanced by SeuratObject.

See at CRAN