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0.3.1 by Samer Mouksassi, a year ago,
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Authors: Samer Mouksassi [aut, cre] , Dean Attali [aut] , James Craig [aut] (implemented bookmarking and created pkgdown website) , Benjamin Rich [aut] (provided summary stats tables table1 tab code) , Michael Sachs [aut] (provided ggkm initial code)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports colourpicker, dplyr, data.table, DT, Formula, GGally, ggbeeswarm, ggh4x, ggplot2, ggpmisc, ggrepel, ggpubr, ggstance, glue, gridExtra, Hmisc, markdown, methods, plotly, quantreg, rlang, scales, shiny, shinyjs, shinyjqui, stringr, survival, survminer, tidyr, table1, zoo, shinyFiles, RPostgres, forcats, ggridges, rms, tibble, patchwork
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown
System requirements: pandoc with https support
See at CRAN