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0.11.1 by Veronique Bachelier, 3 years ago
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Authors: Veronique Bachelier [aut, cre] , Jalal-Edine ZAWAM [aut] , Francois Guillem [aut] , RTE [cph] , JJ Allaire [ctb] , Marion Praz [ctb] (New user interface) , Benoit Thieurmel [ctb] , Titouan Robert [ctb] , Duncan Murdoch [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE license
Imports shiny, miniUI, htmltools, htmlwidgets, knitr, methods, tools, base64enc, grDevices, codetools, webshot, shinyjs
Suggests dygraphs, leaflet, plotly, xts, rmarkdown, testthat, covr
Imported by antaresViz.
Suggested by ciftiTools, leaflet.minicharts, rgl, rgl2gltf, sankeywheel.
See at CRAN