Reference manual

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1.3.3 by Thomas Lin Pedersen, 3 months ago,

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Authors: Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut] , Maxim Shemanarev [aut, cph] (Author of AGG) , Tony Juricic [ctb, cph] (Contributor to AGG) , Milan Marusinec [ctb, cph] (Contributor to AGG) , Spencer Garrett [ctb] (Contributor to AGG) , Posit , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports systemfonts, textshaping

Suggests covr, graphics, grid, testthat

Linking to systemfonts, textshaping

System requirements: freetype2, libpng, libtiff, libjpeg

Imported by WhatsR, flextable, ggfx, ggrastr, officer, pkgdown, tidyverse.

Suggested by RBesT, afcharts, affiner, bittermelon, camcorder, circhelp, cowplot, densityarea, fillpattern, flowchart, gMCPLite, gastempt, geomtextpath, ggalign, gganimate, ggdist, ggpattern, ggplot2, ggpointless, ggragged, ggsci, gridpattern, gsDesign, hdnom, htmltools, jmvcore, knitr, legendry, marquee, patchwork, rasterpdf, shiny, spant, statnipokladna, thematic, tidybayes, tinysnapshot, unhcrthemes, unusualprofile, ursa, washi.

See at CRAN