Reference manual

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2.3.0 by Juergen Niedballa, 5 months ago,,!forum/camtrapr

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Authors: Juergen Niedballa [aut, cre] , Alexandre Courtiol [aut] , Rahel Sollmann [aut] , John Mathai [ctb] , Seth Timothy Wong [ctb] , An The Truong Nguyen [ctb] , Azlan bin Mohamed [ctb] , Andrew Tilker [ctb] , Roshan Guharajan [ctb] , Ioannis Alexiou [ctb] , Andreas Wilting [ctb, ths]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports data.table, generics, ggplot2, lubridate, methods, secr, sf

Suggests abind, coda, DT, knitr, lattice, leaflet, magick, mapview, nimble, nimbleEcology, overlap, parallel, plotly, reshape2, rjags, R.rsp, RSQLite, ritis, rmarkdown, shiny, shinydashboard, tesseract, taxize, terra, testthat, tibble, units, unmarked, zip

System requirements: ExifTool (

See at CRAN