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0.5.1 by Colin Fay, 6 months ago,
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Authors: Colin Fay [cre, aut] , Vincent Guyader [aut] , previous maintainer) , Sébastien Rochette [aut] , Cervan Girard [aut] , Novica Nakov [ctb] , David Granjon [ctb] , Arthur Bréant [ctb] , Antoine Languillaume [ctb] , Ilya Zarubin [ctb] , ThinkR [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports attempt, config, here, htmltools, rlang, shiny, utils, yaml
Suggests attachment, callr, cli, covr, crayon, desc, devtools, dockerfiler, fs, httpuv, knitr, mockery, pkgbuild, pkgdown, pkgload, processx, purrr, rcmdcheck, remotes, renv, rmarkdown, roxygen2, rsconnect, rstudioapi, sass, spelling, stringr, testthat, tools, usethis, withr
Imported by FAfA, FielDHub, Holomics, IsoCor, MainExistingDatasets, OlympicRshiny, PERK, RawHummus, ReviewR, ShinyLink, SouthParkRshiny, TestAnaAPP, activAnalyzer, apisensr, bayesROE, biodosetools, dataCompare, designer, discoveR, eCerto, fdapaceShiny, fishRman, fitODBODRshiny, forecasteR, ggpca, ggvolcano, gwpcormapper, kesernetwork, loadeR, omicsTools, ordinalsimr, pannotator, phecodemap, pmxcode, predictoR, regressoR, shinySbm, shinyTempSignal, ssd4mosaic, tcgaViz, tidyCDISC, viewpoly.
Suggested by HospitalNetwork, bs4Dash, d3po, packer.
See at CRAN