Reference manual

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0.8.10 by David Gohel, 2 months ago

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Authors: David Gohel [aut, cre] , Panagiotis Skintzos [aut] , Mike Bostock [cph] (d3.js) , Speros Kokenes [cph] (d3-lasso) , Eric Shull [cph] (saveSvgAsPng js library) , Lee Thomason [cph] (TinyXML2) , Vladimir Agafonkin [cph] (Flatbush) , Eric Book [ctb] (hline and vline geoms)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports cli, ggplot2, grid, htmltools, htmlwidgets, purrr, Rcpp, rlang, stats, systemfonts, uuid, vctrs

Suggests dplyr, gdtools, ggrepel, hexbin, knitr, maps, quantreg, rmarkdown, sf, shiny, tinytest, xml2

Linking to Rcpp, systemfonts

System requirements: libpng

Imported by LipidomicsR, PieGlyph, TimeVizPro, bartMan, ggfacto, ggiraphExtra, microhaplot, saros, shinyCohortBuilder, toxSummary.

Suggested by ceterisParibus, eq5d, eurlex, opendatatoronto, packcircles, thematic.

See at CRAN