Reference manual

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1.6.15 by Winston Chang, a year ago

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Authors: Joe Cheng [aut] , Winston Chang [aut, cre] , Posit , PBC fnd [cph] , Hector Corrada Bravo [ctb] , Jeroen Ooms [ctb] , Andrzej Krzemienski [cph] (optional.hpp) , libuv project contributors [cph] (libuv library , see src/libuv/AUTHORS file) , Joyent , Inc. and other Node contributors [cph] (libuv library , see src/libuv/AUTHORS file; and http-parser library , see src/http-parser/AUTHORS file) , Niels Provos [cph] (libuv subcomponent: tree.h) , Internet Systems Consortium , Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: inet_pton and inet_ntop , contained in src/libuv/src/inet.c) , Alexander Chemeris [cph] (libuv subcomponent: stdint-msvc2008.h (from msinttypes)) , Google , Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c) , Sony Mobile Communcations AB [cph] (libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c) , Berkeley Software Design Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h , android-ifaddrs.c) , Kenneth MacKay [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h , android-ifaddrs.c) , Emergya (Cloud4all , FP7/2007-2013 , grant agreement no 289016) [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h , android-ifaddrs.c) , Steve Reid [aut] (SHA-1 implementation) , James Brown [aut] (SHA-1 implementation) , Bob Trower [aut] (base64 implementation) , Alexander Peslyak [aut] (MD5 implementation) , Trantor Standard Systems [cph] (base64 implementation) , Igor Sysoev [cph] (http-parser)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE license

Imports later, promises, R6, Rcpp, utils

Suggests callr, curl, testthat, websocket

Linking to later, Rcpp

System requirements: GNU make, zlib

Imported by BrownDog, DT, JBrowseR, VOSONDash, animate, bea.R, beakr, blogdown, boxr, bs4Dash, carbonate, cookies, emuR, epitweetr, fiery, ggfigdone, jrc, mlflow, opencpu, pagedown, plotscaper, plumber, plumbertableau, rfigshare, servr, shiny, shinylight, shinyloadtest, shinytest, sleepwalk, spectrino,, tfdeploy, webdav, workflowr.

Depended on by Rfacebook, Rlinkedin, webdeveloper, webglobe.

Suggested by AzureAuth, AzureRMR, ComBatFamQC, curl, gaawr2, gargle, golem, googleVis, httr, httr2, learnr, osmapiR, rlc, rorcid, rtweet, shinylive, sship, tidyllm, tricolore, urlshorteneR, vetiver, vkR, vosonSML, webfakes, webshot, webshot2, websocket, webutils.

See at CRAN