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0.8.2 by Derek Burk, 7 days ago,,
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Authors: Greg Freedman Ellis [aut] , Derek Burk [aut, cre] , Finn Roberts [aut] , Joe Grover [ctb] , Dan Ehrlich [ctb] , Renae Rodgers [ctb] , Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
Mozilla Public License 2.0 license
Imports dplyr, haven, hipread, httr, jsonlite, lifecycle, purrr, R6, readr, rlang, tibble, tidyselect, xml2, zeallot
Suggests biglm, covr, crayon, DBI, dbplyr, DT, ggplot2, htmltools, knitr, rmapshaper, rmarkdown, RSQLite, rstudioapi, scales, sf, shiny, testthat, tidyr, vcr, withr
Suggested by Ecfun.
See at CRAN