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0.5.0 by Ove Haugland Jakobsen, 4 months ago,
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Authors: Ove Haugland Jakobsen [aut, cre] , Aleksander Eilertsen Valberg [aut] , Jan Roar Beckstrøm [ctb] , Lars Skaage Engebretsen [ctb] , Jonas Månsson [ctb] , Joachim Sandnes [ctb] , National Audit Office of Norway [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports bslib, bsicons, cli, ggplot2, haven, htmltools, lpSolveAPI, markdown, reactable, readxl, rlang, scales, writexl
Depends on shiny
Suggests deaR, rmarkdown, knitr, testthat, tibble, withr
See at CRAN