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1.2.4 by Arthur Coulon, 6 months ago
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Authors: Arthur Coulon [aut, cre] , Lise Bellanger [aut] , Philippe Husi [aut] , Bruno Desachy [ctb] , Benjamin Martineau [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports FactoMineR, grDevices, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, plotly, stringr, colorspace, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyjs, shinyjqui, fpc, ggdendro, htmltools, rstudioapi, htmlwidgets, shinythemes, explor, shinyWidgets, scatterD3, ks, foreign, grid, cluster, leaflet, ape, MASS, ade4, lmtest, nor1mix, shinycssloaders, scales, fastcluster
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, sf
See at CRAN