Reference manual

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1.9.0 by Edgar Ruiz, 6 days ago

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Authors: Javier Luraschi [aut] , Kevin Kuo [aut] , Kevin Ushey [aut] , JJ Allaire [aut] , Samuel Macedo [ctb] , Hossein Falaki [aut] , Lu Wang [aut] , Andy Zhang [aut] , Yitao Li [aut] , Jozef Hajnala [ctb] , Maciej Szymkiewicz [ctb] , Wil Davis [ctb] , Edgar Ruiz [aut, cre] , RStudio [cph] , The Apache Software Foundation [aut, cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License 2.0 | file LICENSE license

Imports config, DBI, dbplyr, dplyr, generics, globals, glue, httr, jsonlite, methods, openssl, purrr, rlang, rstudioapi, tidyr, tidyselect, uuid, vctrs, withr, xml2

Suggests arrow, broom, diffobj, foreach, ggplot2, iterators, janeaustenr, Lahman, mlbench, nnet, nycflights13, R6, r2d3, RCurl, reshape2, shiny, parsnip, testthat, rprojroot

System requirements: Spark: 2.x, or 3.x, or 4.x

Imported by apache.sedona, catalog, geospark, graphframes, pathling, pysparklyr, rollup, rsparkling, shinyML, spark.sas7bdat, sparkavro, sparkbq, sparkhail, sparklyr.flint, sparklyr.nested, sparktf, sparkwarc, sparkxgb, variantspark.

Depended on by s3.resourcer.

Suggested by butcher, corrr, finnts, mlflow, modeltime, orbital, parsnip, pointblank, resourcer.

Enhanced by vip.

See at CRAN