Reference manual

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0.9.0 by Victor Perrier, a month ago,

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Authors: Victor Perrier [aut, cre, cph] , Fanny Meyer [aut] , David Granjon [aut] , Ian Fellows [ctb] (Methods for mutating vertical tabs & updateMultiInput) , Wil Davis [ctb] (numericRangeInput function) , Spencer Matthews [ctb] (autoNumeric methods) , JavaScript and CSS libraries authors [ctb, cph] (All authors are listed in

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports bslib, sass, shiny, htmltools, jsonlite, grDevices, rlang

Suggests testthat, covr, ggplot2, DT, scales, shinydashboard, shinydashboardPlus

Imported by AdhereRViz, BayesianNetwork, CaPO4Sim, Certara.DarwinReporter, Certara.ModelResults, Certara.R, Certara.RsNLME.ModelBuilder, Certara.RsNLME.ModelExecutor, Certara.VPCResults, ClustAssess, DBTCShiny, DCEtool, DQAgui, DistPlotter, GFD, GFDrmst, GFDrmtl, GRShiny, GeoWeightedModel, Greymodels, HKRbook, Holomics, IGoRRR, LCMSQA, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, MDMAPR, MiMIR, MtreeRing, NACHO, NetSimR, OpenRepGrid.ic, PERK, PKbioanalysis, QRAGadget, R.AlphA.Home, RALSA, RSDK, RSP, ReviewR, SEAHORS, SPARTAAS, SeuratExplorer, ShinyLink, ShinyQuickStarter, Spectran, TaylorRussell, WeibullR.shiny, adepro, airship, batchLLM, bestSDP, biodosetools, bulkAnalyseR, cmsaf, conmet, corporaexplorer, dartR.sim, dataCompare, datacleanr, datamods, dosedesignR, doublIn, dplyrAssist, eAnalytics, eCerto, editData, elaborator, espadon, esquisse, eufmdis.adapt, farrell, fdapaceShiny, filterNHP, fishRman, formods, gde, genogeographer, ggplotAssist, gimmeTools, glossa, grapesAgri1, groqR, gwavr, handcodeR, heiscore, interca, irtawsi, istat, ixplorer, jsmodule, kesernetwork, lareshiny, matman, memapp, microhaplot, miniMeta, mipplot, mlr3shiny, monographaR, moreparty, naturaList, netShiny, ordinalsimr, pannotator, periscope2, polished, powdR, qPRAentry, qrlabelr, rrtable, ruminate, shinyCLT, shinyCohortBuilder, shinyGizmo, shinyML, shinyMixR, shinyNORRRM, shinyNotes, shinyStorePlus, shinyTempSignal, shinyhttr, shinyrecipes, sleeperapi, slendr, starry, subscreen, surveydown, tRigon, tall, teal.modules.clinical, teal.modules.general, teal.reporter, teal.slice, teal.widgets, tfrmtbuilder, tidyCDISC, toastui, trackeRapp, umiAnalyzer, vici, viewpoly, vvdoctor, vvshiny, wallace, wilson.

Depended on by iSTATS.

Suggested by Clustering, DRomics, DrugExposureDiagnostics, HYPEtools, HelpersMG, HospitalNetwork, OmopViewer, One4All, OpenSpecy, PROsetta, PhenotypeR, SSVS, ShinyWizard, TestDesign, UBayFS, aifeducation, compareGroups, countfitteR, cppcheckR, dartR.base, eq5d, equatiomatic, evsim, expertsurv, findInFiles, fresh, geocmeans, geslaR, ideanet, influential, lactater, mapmixture, moodlequizR, mtscr, pkgsearch, quadcleanR, rplanes, safetyGraphics, scDiffCom, shinyMobile, shinyWGD, shinydashboardPlus, shinyscholar, shinytest2, simRestore, swipeR, tablerDash, targets, tipsae, visNetwork.

See at CRAN