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1.6 by Jing Hua Zhao, 4 months ago
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Authors: Jing Hua Zhao [aut, cre] , 0000-0003-4930-3582) , Kurt Hornik [ctb] , Brian Ripley [ctb] , Uwe Ligges [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports dplyr, ggplot2, plotly, Rdpack
Depends on gap.datasets
Suggests BradleyTerry2, DiagrammeR, DOT, MASS, Matrix, MCMCglmm, R2jags, bdsmatrix, bookdown, calibrate, circlize, coda, cowplot, coxme, foreign, genetics, grid, haplo.stats, htmlwidgets, jsonlite, kinship2, knitr, lattice, magic, manhattanly, matrixStats, meta, metafor, nlme, pedigree, pedigreemm, plotrix, readr, reshape, rmarkdown, rms, survival, valr
Enhances shiny
Imported by BayesianTools, DHARMa, PopGenReport, pould.
Suggested by rehh.
See at CRAN