Reference manual

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2.1.10 by Zhian N. Kamvar, 2 years ago

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Authors: Thibaut Jombart [aut] , Zhian N. Kamvar [aut, cre] , Caitlin Collins [ctb] , Roman Lustrik [ctb] , Marie-Pauline Beugin [ctb] , Brian J. Knaus [ctb] , Peter Solymos [ctb] , Vladimir Mikryukov [ctb] , Klaus Schliep [ctb] , Tiago Maié [ctb] , Libor Morkovsky [ctb] , Ismail Ahmed [ctb] , Anne Cori [ctb] , Federico Calboli [ctb] , RJ Ewing [ctb] , Frédéric Michaud [ctb] , Rebecca DeCamp [ctb] , Alexandre Courtiol [ctb] , Lindsay V. Clark [ctb] , Pavel Dimens [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports utils, stats, grDevices, MASS, igraph, ape, shiny, ggplot2, seqinr, parallel, boot, reshape2, dplyr, vegan

Depends on methods, ade4

Suggests adespatial, pegas, hierfstat, maps, spdep, interp, splancs, poppr, testthat

Imported by AlleleShift, DA, SNPfiltR, StAMPP, adephylo, apex, graph4lg, hierfstat, snpAIMeR, treespace.

Depended on by PopGenReport, dartR, dartR.base, dartR.captive,, dartR.popgen, dartR.sexlinked, dartR.sim, dartR.spatial, mmod, poppr.

Suggested by RAINBOWR, coreCollection, memgene, outbreaker2, pegas, polyRAD, polysat, quiddich, sequoia, vcfR, wingen.

See at CRAN