Reference manual

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0.11.5 by Garrick Aden-Buie, 10 months ago,

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Authors: Garrick Aden-Buie [aut, cre] , Barret Schloerke [aut] , JJ Allaire [aut, ccp] , Alexander Rossell Hayes [aut] , Nischal Shrestha [ctb] , Angela Li [ctb] (vignette) , Posit , PBC [cph, fnd] , B.V. [ctb, cph] (Ace library) , Zeno Rocha [ctb, cph] (clipboard.js library) , Nick Payne [ctb, cph] (Bootbox library) , Jake Archibald [ctb, cph] (idb-keyval library) , i18next authors [ctb, cph] (i18next library)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License (>= 2.0) license

Imports checkmate, digest, ellipsis, evaluate, htmltools, htmlwidgets, jsonlite, knitr, lifecycle, markdown, parallel, promises, rappdirs, renv, rlang, rmarkdown, rprojroot, shiny, stats, utils, withr

Suggests bslib, callr, curl, DBI, httpuv, later, reticulate, RSQLite, rstudioapi, shinytest2, sortable, testthat

System requirements: pandoc (>= 1.14) -

Imported by Biostatistics, WeibullR.learnr, exams2learnr, r02pro, sortable, sur, tutorial.helpers.

Depended on by adventr, drhur.

Suggested by Distributacalcul, SticsRFiles, industRial, manynet, medicaldata, normfluodbf, r4ds.tutorials, rxode2, sageR, shinymgr, tidyDenovix, vegawidget.

See at CRAN