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0.3.8 by Jonathan Owen, 4 years ago
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Authors: Jonathan Owen [aut, cre, cph] , Jeff Allen [ctb] , Yihui Xie [ctb] , Enzo Martoglio [ctb] , Inberg Ger [ctb] , Warpechowski Marcin [ctb, cph] (Handsontable.js library) , Handsoncode sp. z o.o. [ctb, cph] (Handsontable.js library) , Aisch Gregor [ctb, cph] (Chroma.js library) , Företagsplatsen [ctb, cph] (Numbro.js library) , Draper Adam [ctb, cph] (Numeral.js library) , Wood Tim [ctb, cph] (Moment.js library) , Chernev Iskren [ctb, cph] (Moment.js library) , Moment.js contributors [ctb, cph] (Moment.js library) , Bushell David [ctb, cph] (Pikaday.js library) , jQuery Foundation [ctb, cph] (jQuery.js library) , Splunk Inc [ctb, cph] (Sparkline.js library) , Russell Kent [ctb, cph] (Sparkline.js library) , Rohan Jon [ctb, cph] (ZeroClipboard library) , Greene James [ctb, cph] (ZeroClipboard library) , Hammill Dillon [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports jsonlite, htmlwidgets, magrittr, methods, utils
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, shiny, miniUI, rstudioapi, htmltools
Imported by ANOVAShiny, ANOVAShiny2, BLRShiny, BLRShiny2, CTShiny, CTShiny2, DataEditR, GOFShiny, GWSDAT, IGoRRR, KCSKNNShiny, KCSNBShiny, KNNShiny, NBShiny, NBShiny2, NBShiny3, RLumShiny, apisensr, appRiori, biodosetools, cofad, dataspice, distreg.vis, formods, gimmeTools, miniMeta, modest, ordinalsimr, pmxcode, ruminate, sdcMicro, soilphysics, ssd4mosaic, ubiquity.
Depended on by competitiontoolbox.
Suggested by GMCM, PopED, idiogramFISH, lactater, oppr, polmineR.
See at CRAN