Reference manual

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0.33 by Joe Cheng, a year ago

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Authors: Yihui Xie [aut] , Joe Cheng [aut, cre] , Xianying Tan [aut] , JJ Allaire [ctb] , Maximilian Girlich [ctb] , Greg Freedman Ellis [ctb] , Johannes Rauh [ctb] , SpryMedia Limited [ctb, cph] (DataTables in htmlwidgets/lib) , Brian Reavis [ctb, cph] (selectize.js in htmlwidgets/lib) , Leon Gersen [ctb, cph] (noUiSlider in htmlwidgets/lib) , Bartek Szopka [ctb, cph] (jquery.highlight.js in htmlwidgets/lib) , Alex Pickering [ctb] , William Holmes [ctb] , Mikko Marttila [ctb] , Andres Quintero [ctb] , Stéphane Laurent [ctb] , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 | file LICENSE license

Imports htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, jsonlite, magrittr, crosstalk, jquerylib, promises

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, shiny, bslib, future, testit, tibble

Imported by APIS, AdverseEvents, AnalysisLin, AnnoProbe, AovBay, AtmChile, BEACH, BED, BETS, BiasCorrector, BlockmodelingGUI, CALANGO, CCWeights, CRANsearcher, CUFF, CaPO4Sim, CalcThemAll.PRM, Certara.R, Certara.RsNLME.ModelBuilder, Certara.RsNLME.ModelExecutor, Certara.VPCResults, ClustAssess, ComBatFamQC, CruzPlot, DBTCShiny, DCEtool, DQAgui, DVHmetrics, DistPlotter, EffectLiteR, ErlangC, EventDetectGUI, ExPanDaR, FAST.R, FactoMineR, Factoshiny, FastRet, FedIRT, FielDHub, GALLO, GRShiny, GenEst, GenoTriplo, GeoWeightedModel, GerminaR, HDSpatialScan, HKRbook, HaDeX, Holomics, ICSShiny, IFC, INSPECTumours, IsoCor, LCMSQA, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, LFApp, MDMAPR, MainExistingDatasets, MetaAnalyser, MethodOpt, MiMIR, MixviR, MuPETFlow, NormalityAssessment, OmopViewer, OpenRepGrid.ic, PELVIS, PKbioanalysis, PRISMA2020, PSS.Health, PakNAcc, PakPC, PakPC2023, Poly4AT, QurvE, RALSA, RLumShiny, RSP, ReDaMoR, ReturnCurves, ReviewR, SEAHORS, SIAmodules, SP2000, SRTsim, ShinyLink, StabilityApp, StepReg, TCIU, TKCat, TT, TestAnaAPP, UnalR, addinsOutline, addinslist, adepro, airship, appRiori, archeofrag.gui, arcpullr, arulesViz, aweSOM, azuremlsdk, baRcodeR, batchLLM, bdc, bea.R, bestSDP, bibliometrix, bnRep, boxly, bpmnR, bulkAnalyseR, cheem, chronicle, cjoint, clinUtils, cocktailApp, conmet, convertr,, crispRdesignR, cromwellDashboard, dataCompare, datacleanr, datamedios, datasets.load, ddpcr, desctable, detzrcr, dextergui, discoveR, dosedesignR, doublIn, dplyrAssist, eAnalytics, eCerto, easylabel, editData, editbl, elaborator, enmSdmX, epicmodel, epitweetr, epiworldRShiny, esmtools, espadon, eufmdis.adapt, explor, exploratory, explore, ezr, farrell, fasterRaster, fastml, fdapaceShiny, fitteR, fitur, forecasteR, fude, gde, genogeographer, ggquickeda, ggsem, glossa, guiplot, gwpcormapper, haploR, holi, icertool, idcnrba, iglu, insane, inti, iraceplot, irtawsi, istat, jsmodule, kesernetwork, kgraph, lareshiny, lavaangui, linguisticsdown, loadeR, madshapR, manifestoR, matman, memapp, microhaplot, mlr3shiny, mmaqshiny, mmiCATs, mmibain, mmints, mmirestriktor, modelDown, modgetxl, moreparty, multilevelcoda, netShiny, npboottprm, npboottprmFBar, oceanexplorer, oceanis, octopus, oglcnac, omicsTools, ordinalsimr, papci, periscope, periscope2, phecodemap, pkgnet, polished, polmineR, powdR, predhy.GUI, predictoR, protoshiny, qPRAentry, r2resize,, randomForestExplainer, rassta, rcrossref, rddapp, regressoR, robmedExtra, rpredictit, rtemps, ruminate, safetyCharts, safetyGraphics, santaR, scdtb, sdcMicro, sendigR, shinipsum, shinyExprPortal, shinyML, shinyMixR, shinySbm, shinydbauth, shinydrive, shinymanager, shinymodels, shinyrecipes, shinystan, sleeperapi, snahelper, spANOVA, statcanR, stminsights, strvalidator, subscreen, surveydata, surveydown, survivoR, tRigon, tall, tcgaViz, teal.modules.clinical, teal.modules.general, textAnnotatoR, tfrmtbuilder, tidyCDISC, toxEval, toxSummary, trackeRapp, umiAnalyzer, validmind, vectorsurvR, vici, viewpoly, visualFields, visvaR, visvow, visxhclust, voiceR, volcanoPlot, voronoiTreemap, vvdoctor, vvshiny, waffle, wallace, wilson, wpa, wppExplorer, yuimaGUI, zooimage.

Depended on by PERK, REPPlabShiny, SRS, frequency, interca, monobinShiny, multichull.

Suggested by Achilles, AgroR, AmpGram, AntibodyForests, BIGL, CNVScope, CancerGram, Clustering, CohortPlat, ConsensusOPLS, DQAstats, DRviaSPCN, DrugExposureDiagnostics, EpiSignalDetection, GLMMcosinor, GMCM, HVT, HYPEtools, HospitalNetwork, IOHanalyzer, IceSat2R, MNormTest, MSEtool, Mondrian, One4All, OpenSpecy, PROsetta, PaRe, ParallelLogger, PatientProfiles, PhenotypeR, PhilipsHue, RESIDE, ShinyItemAnalysis, TSstudio, TestDesign, TimeVizPro, UBayFS, UCSCXenaShiny, UCSCXenaTools, VOSONDash, ZillowR, admiral, admiraldev, admiralmetabolic, admiralonco, admiralvaccine, aifeducation, allofus, bayesmove, beanz, benchmarkme, benchmarkmeData, biblioverlap, brada, brickset, bs4Dash, bsub, camtrapR, canvasXpress, cats, causalCmprsk, ccdR, clinDataReview, cmcR, codebook, collatz, compareGroups, concatipede, coronavirus, countfitteR, covid19dbcand, covr, ctxR, dataRetrieval, dataquieR, datefixR, decoder, devtools, dlstats, dropR, dverse, dyn.log, eSDM, easystats, eemR, enviGCMS, epiparameter, epiparameterDB, eq5d, expss, ezplot, fgeo, finnsurveytext, fitbitViz, forecastML, formattable, formods, geslaR, gitlabr, grandR, h2o, hermiter, ibawds, ideanet, idem, iheiddown, influential, ipumsr, journalabbr, kidsides, knitrdata, kpiwidget, landsepi, listdown, merTools, mergingTools, metaConvert, metaGE, metan, modelsummary, mplot, mtscr, natstrat, nflreadr, openeo, optedr, optimall, passport, pedbp, pharmaverseadam, phenocamr, phonfieldwork, planr, plantecophys, portfolioBacktest, qualvar, rb3, rbioapi, rdflib, rfm, rgoogleads, rmdformats, rmdpartials, rnrfa, rplanes, rxode2, sankeywheel, scDiffCom, sdtm.oak, sdtmchecks, seedreg, sergeant, serocalculator, shiny, shiny.fluent, shiny.reglog, shiny.semantic, shiny.telemetry, shinyCox, shinyPredict, shinyWGD, shinyWidgets, shinyscholar, signalHsmm, simrec, snotelr, states, strand, suddengains, targets, tcplfit2, teal.reporter, teal.widgets, threeBrain, tipsae, unpivotr, valr, vietnameseConverter, vip, visOmopResults, xplorerr, xportr.

See at CRAN