Reference manual

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0.7.2 by Winston Chang, 3 years ago

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Authors: Winston Chang [aut, cre] , Barbara Borges Ribeiro [aut] , RStudio [cph] , Almasaeed Studio [ctb, cph] (AdminLTE theme for Bootstrap) , Adobe Systems Incorporated [ctb, cph] (Source Sans Pro font)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE license

Imports utils, shiny, htmltools, promises

Imported by AovBay, BayesianNetwork, BiasCorrector, ComBatFamQC, CruzPlot, DBTCShiny, DIFshiny, DQAgui, EventDetectGUI, FAfA, Factoshiny, GDINA, GMSE, GWSDAT, GeoWeightedModel, Greymodels, HKRbook, IGoRRR, JustifyAlpha, KLINK, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, MCPModPack, MDMAPR, MedianaDesigner, MiMIR, MtreeRing, OhdsiShinyAppBuilder, OpenRepGrid.ic, PKconverter, PakNAcc, PakPC, Poly4AT, RALSA, RCTrep, RLumShiny, RawHummus, ReturnCurves, ReviewR, SPARTAAS, SRTsim, SSDM, SeuratExplorer, ShinyLink, ShinyQuickStarter, SouthParkRshiny, Spectran, SqueakR, T2Qv, TKCat, WeibullR.shiny, activAnalyzer, airship, arena2r, baker, batchLLM, bdDwC, bea.R, bestSDP, biodosetools, bridger2, carbonr, cofad, consortr, corporaexplorer,, cromwellDashboard, damAOI, dataCompare, deBif, discoveR, doublIn, drawsample, eAnalytics, eirm, elaborator, epiworldRShiny, estadistica, eufmdis.adapt, exploratory, ezr, fitODBODRshiny, forecasteR, geodrawr, gwpcormapper, irtGUI, istat, kesernetwork, lakhesis, lareshiny, loadeR, matman, memapp, mlr3shiny, modgetxl, monitOS, monographaR, mplot, naturaList, netknitr, ontoFAST, paramGUI, periscope, phase, phecodemap, polished, predictoR, regressoR, revtools, seasonalview, sendigR, shinyIRT, shinySbm, shinyTempSignal, shinydashboardPlus, shinymgr, shinymodels, shinyr, smvgraph, soilphysics, sphereML, stminsights, tRigon, textAnnotatoR, toxEval, trackeRapp, umiAnalyzer, viewpoly, vvshiny, wilson, yuimaGUI.

Depended on by TestAnaAPP, conmet, iAdapt, monobinShiny, netShiny.

Suggested by CaPO4Sim, GMCM, HospitalNetwork, IOHanalyzer, ShinyWizard, SqlRender, UCSCXenaTools, VOSONDash, camtrapR, dm, dropR, eSDM, evsim, finnsurveytext, formods, fresh, gratis, gridstackeR, idiogramFISH, optedr, optistock, pedbp, phenocamr, presize, quadcleanR, rAmCharts, ruminate, safetyGraphics, semantic.dashboard, shinyCox, shinyEffects, shinyWidgets, shinyauthr, snotelr, taipan.

See at CRAN