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2.1.0 by Victor Perrier, 16 days ago,
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Authors: Fanny Meyer [aut] , Victor Perrier [aut, cre] , Ian Carroll [ctb] (Faceting support) , Xiangnan Dang [ctb] (Facets rows and cols , X/Y limits) , Nicolas Bevacqua [cph] (author of dragula JavaScript library) , Daybrush (Younkue Choi) [cph] (author of moveable JavaScript library) , Zeno Rocha [cph] (author of clipboard JavaScript library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 | file LICENSE license
Imports bslib, datamods, downlit, ggplot2, grDevices, htmltools, jsonlite, phosphoricons, rlang, rstudioapi, scales, shiny, shinybusy, shinyWidgets, zip
Suggests officer, rvg, rio, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, ggthemes, hrbrthemes, plotly
Imported by shinyrecipes.
Suggested by GDAtools, flow.
See at CRAN