Reference manual

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1.8-4 by David Scott, 6 years ago

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Authors: David B. Dahl [aut] , David Scott [aut, cre] , Charles Roosen [aut] , Arni Magnusson [aut] , Jonathan Swinton [aut] , Ajay Shah [ctb] , Arne Henningsen [ctb] , Benno Puetz [ctb] , Bernhard Pfaff [ctb] , Claudio Agostinelli [ctb] , Claudius Loehnert [ctb] , David Mitchell [ctb] , David Whiting [ctb] , Fernando da Rosa [ctb] , Guido Gay [ctb] , Guido Schulz [ctb] , Ian Fellows [ctb] , Jeff Laake [ctb] , John Walker [ctb] , Jun Yan [ctb] , Liviu Andronic [ctb] , Markus Loecher [ctb] , Martin Gubri [ctb] , Matthieu Stigler [ctb] , Robert Castelo [ctb] , Seth Falcon [ctb] , Stefan Edwards [ctb] , Sven Garbade [ctb] , Uwe Ligges [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports stats, utils

Suggests knitr, plm, zoo, survival

Imported by AICcmodavg, BEACH, BrailleR, CRE, CUFF, Clustering, CoDaLoMic, Correlplot, Countr, Crossover, DeltaMAN, EdSurvey, GMDH2, HiveR, JMbayes, Karen, MCPtests, MplusAutomation, MultBiplotR, NNTbiomarker, PCMBase, PopGenReport, RItools, RSDA, RSiena, RecordLinkage, RestoreNet, RiskMap, ScottKnott, SixSigma, StableEstim, StatDA, TukeyC, WeibullFit, argo, bbdetection, bea.R, bpca, compareMCMCs, condir, confidence, descr, doublIn, dynr, epitweetr, epos, eurodata, exams.forge, export, fdth, gmvjoint, greybox, gsDesign, gsrsb, iTOS, igate, implicitMeasures, inTrees, kutils, lfe, lm.beta, mastif, matlib, metaumbrella, microCRAN, midrangeMCP, miscset, mlrv, ncappc, nestedpp, orf, petersenlab,, poliscidata, practicalSigni, psychReport, qmethod, relSim, repmod, reproducer, robustlmm, sdcMicro, seasonalview, shiny, shinyHeatmaply, shinystan, sigInt, smooth, spANOVA, spduration, stacomiR, stacomirtools, statgenGxE, statgenSTA, survMisc, tci, twang, twangContinuous, umx, x.ent, yamlet.

Depended on by A3, AmpliconDuo, FactoClass, LinRegInteractive, PERMANOVA, RcmdrPlugin.Export, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, TableMonster, WebAnalytics, generalCorr, klausuR, likert, multilevelPSA, nlcv, papeR, permPATH, reporttools, rplotengine, survSNP, surveillance.

Suggested by BayesFactor, CALIBERrfimpute, COMBO, ClassDiscovery, EloChoice, EloSteepness, ExtDist, GenAlgo, IOHanalyzer, JoSAE, LSAmitR, LearnPCA, LocalControl, NMF, NlsyLinks, PMCMRplus, RankAggreg, ReliabilityTheory, SIMMS, SVMMaj, SeleMix, SeqDetect, SeqFeatR, SharpeR, ShinyItemAnalysis, StMoMo, TailRank, Tcomp, TraMineR, TriMatch, WeightSVM, afex, aldvmm, aqp, arsenal, ascii, biodosetools, blockTools, bmstdr, caper, chipPCR, codingMatrices, coin, collin, confintROB, corr2D, e1071, emmeans, evtree, fairadapt, firebehavioR, fitPS, flextable, geex, gets, ggPMX, glmmTMB, hamlet, hdm, icarus, ifaTools, inlcolor, ipsRdbs, itsadug, knitrBootstrap, kyotil, marqLevAlg, mcmc, micEconCES, miclust, microplot, mixedMem, mixl, multcomp, mvord, oottest, optmatch, ordinal, overviewR, phangorn, postHoc, protViz, rb3, rcdk, robustbase, rodeo, rrcov3way, rtf, rticles, sadists, sapfluxnetr, soiltexture, sparseHessianFD, spdep, tablesgg, tablet, texPreview, textreg, tlm, tramME, transreg, tscount, tukeytrend, vcrpart, visit, waterData.

Enhanced by JM, pampe.

See at CRAN