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2.6.1 by Thomas Nagler, 9 hours ago
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Authors: Thomas Nagler [aut, cre] , Ulf Schepsmeier [aut] , Jakob Stoeber [aut] , Eike Christian Brechmann [aut] , Benedikt Graeler [aut] , Tobias Erhardt [aut] , Carlos Almeida [ctb] , Aleksey Min [ctb, ths] , Claudia Czado [ctb, ths] , Mathias Hofmann [ctb] , Matthias Killiches [ctb] , Harry Joe [ctb] , Thibault Vatter [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports graphics, grDevices, stats, utils, MASS, mvtnorm, methods, ADGofTest, lattice, parallel
Suggests TSP, shiny, testthat, numDeriv, kdecopula, network
Imported by AssetCorr, CDVineCopulaConditional, CondCopulas, CopulaCenR, FactorCopula, GJRM, LocalCop, LogisticCopula, MMDCopula, VC2copula, gamCopula, gofCopula, kdevine, pacotest, parTimeROC, vccp.
Suggested by copula, kdecopula.
See at CRAN