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1.4.0 by Win Cowger, 5 months ago,
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Authors: Win Cowger [cre, aut, dtc] , Zacharias Steinmetz [aut] , Hazel Vaquero [aut] , Nick Leong [aut] , Andrea Faltynkova [aut, dtc] , Hannah Sherrod [aut] , Andrew B Gray [ctb] , Hannah Hapich [ctb] , Jennifer Lynch [ctb, dtc] , Hannah De Frond [ctb, dtc] , Keenan Munno [ctb, dtc] , Chelsea Rochman [ctb, dtc] , Sebastian Primpke [ctb, dtc] , Orestis Herodotou [ctb] , Mary C Norris [ctb] , Christine M Knauss [ctb] , Aleksandra Karapetrova [ctb, dtc, rev] , Vesna Teofilovic [ctb] , Laura A. T. Markley [ctb] , Shreyas Patankar [ctb, dtc] , Rachel Kozloski [ctb, dtc] , Samiksha Singh [ctb] , Katherine Lasdin [ctb] , Cristiane Vidal [ctb] , Clare Murphy-Hagan [ctb] , Philipp Baumann [ctb] , Pierre Roudier [ctb] , National Renewable Energy Laboratory [fnd] , Possibility Lab [fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
CC BY 4.0 license
Imports methods, data.table, jsonlite, yaml, caTools, hyperSpec, mmand, plotly, digest, signal, glmnet, jpeg, shiny
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, shinyjs, shinyWidgets, bs4Dash, dplyr, DT, ggplot2
See at CRAN