Reference manual

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1.1.1 by Nicolas T. Wirth, a year ago,

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Authors: Nicolas T. Wirth [aut, cre, cph] , Jonathan Funk [aut] (Co-developer of shiny app.) , Matthias Kahm [ctb] (Author of 'grofit' package , whose general data structure was adopted for QurvE.) , Maik Kschischo [ctb] (Author of 'grofit' package , whose general data structure was adopted for QurvE.) , Thomas Petzoldt [ctb] , Creator of the package 'growthrates' , whose function for calculating linear regressions served as a template in QurvE.) , Andrew Stein [ctb] (Creator of 'xgxr' package from which QurvE adopted code to plot axis ticks on log10 scale.) , Michael W. Kearney [ctb] (Creator of 'tfse' package from which QurvE adopted the match_arg function.) , Santiago I. Hurtado [ctb] (Creator of 'RobustLinearReg' package from which QurvE adopted the Theil Sehn Regression method.) , Mark Heckmann [ctb] (Creator of the 'zipFastener' function; source: , Nicholas Hamilton [ctb] (Creator of the 'colFmt' function.) , Evan Friedland [ctb] (Creator of the 'inflect' function.) , Heather Turner [ctb] (Creator of the 'base_breaks' function.) , Georgi N. Boshnakov [ctb] (Creator of 'gbRd' package from which functions are used to display function help pages within the shiny app.)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports doParallel, drc, DT, foreach, ggh4x, ggnewscale, ggplot2, ggpubr, kableExtra, knitr, labeling, magrittr, minpack.lm, plyr, purrr, RColorBrewer, readxl, rmarkdown, scales, shiny, stats, utils

Depends on dplyr, methods, stringr, tidyr

Suggests bookdown, Cairo, htmltools, plotrix, prettydoc, rlang, shinyBS, shinycssloaders, shinyFiles, shinyjs, shinysurveys, shinythemes, testthat, tibble, tinytex

See at CRAN