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1.2.2 by Michael Thrun, 9 months ago
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Authors: Michael Thrun [aut, cre, cph] , Quirin Stier [ctb, rev] , Brinkmann Luca [ctb] , Florian Lerch [aut] , Felix Pape [aut] , Tim Schreier [aut] , Luis Winckelmann [aut] , Kristian Nybo [cph] , Jarkko Venna [cph] , van der Maaten Laurens [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports Rcpp, ggplot2, stats, graphics, vegan, deldir, geometry, GeneralizedUmatrix, shiny, shinyjs, shinythemes, plotly, grDevices
Suggests DataVisualizations, fastICA, tsne, FastKNN, MASS, pcaPP, spdep, pracma, grid, mgcv, fields, png, reshape2, Rtsne, methods, dendextend, umap, uwot, DatabionicSwarm, parallelDist, parallel
Linking to Rcpp
System requirements: C++17
Imported by SaturnCoefficient, smacofx.
Suggested by DRquality, DatabionicSwarm, FCPS.
See at CRAN