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0.1.1 by Massimo Aria, 10 days ago,
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Authors: Massimo Aria [aut, cre, cph] , Maria Spano [aut] , Luca D'Aniello [aut] , Corrado Cuccurullo [ctb] , Michelangelo Misuraca [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports graphics, dplyr, shinyWidgets, shinydashboardPlus, chromote, later, promises, tidyr, purrr, plotly, stringr, Rcpp, RSpectra, rlang, DT, openxlsx, visNetwork, igraph, udpipe, topicmodels, pdftools, textrank, strucchange, sparkline, tidygraph, readxl, readtext, jsonlite, fontawesome, ggraph, ca, ldatuning, shinycssloaders, shinyjs, shinyFiles, readr, curl, pagedown, parallel, doParallel
Depends on shiny
Linking to Rcpp
See at CRAN