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1.1.0 by Dean Attali, 7 months ago,
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Authors: Dean Attali [aut, cre] (Maintainer/developer of shinycssloaders since 2019 , , Andras Sali [aut] (Original creator of shinycssloaders package) , Luke Hass [ctb, cph] (Author of included CSS loader code)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports digest, glue, grDevices, htmltools, shiny
Suggests knitr, shinydisconnect, shinyjs
Imported by AdverseEvents, AovBay, AtmChile, CaPO4Sim, Certara.VPCResults, DBTCShiny, ExPanDaR, FAfA, FielDHub, GMSE, GWSDAT, GWalkR, Isinglandr, LCMSQA, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, MiMIR, OpenRepGrid.ic, PSS.Health, ReviewR, SINRELEF.LD, SOMEnv, SPARTAAS, StepReg, T2Qv, TestAnaAPP, activAnalyzer, autoTS, azuremlsdk, cheem,, dataCompare, drawsample, easylabel, eirm, epiworldRShiny, farrell, gde, genogeographer, handwriterApp, irtGUI, irtawsi, kesernetwork, memery, netShiny, ordinalsimr, pargasite, phase, phecodemap, polished, populationPDXdesign, precisely, protoshiny, qPRAentry, qrlabelr, shinyCLT, shinyIRT, shinyML, simCAT, sleeperapi, spANOVA, sphereML, survivoR, tall, teal.slice, tfrmtbuilder, toxEval, toxSummary, visxhclust, vvshiny, wilson.
Depended on by DCEtool, RSCAT, SRS.
Suggested by CNVScope, Clustering, DRomics, DrugExposureDiagnostics, HaDeX, OmopViewer, PhenotypeR, QurvE, SOMbrero, askgpt, bibliometrix, conos, countfitteR, deepdep, eq5d, expertsurv, geslaR, ideanet, influential, leafdown, nph, rplanes, sendigR, shinycustomloader, xplorerr.
See at CRAN