Reference manual

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1.5.0 by Ken Kellner, 21 days ago,

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Authors: Richard Chandler [aut] , Ken Kellner [cre, aut] , Ian Fiske [aut] , David Miller [aut] , Andy Royle [aut] , Jeff Hostetler [aut] , Rebecca Hutchinson [aut] , Adam Smith [aut] , Lea Pautrel [aut] , Marc Kery [ctb] , Mike Meredith [ctb] , Auriel Fournier [ctb] , Ariel Muldoon [ctb] , Chris Baker [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports graphics, lattice, MASS, Matrix, methods, parallel, Rcpp, reformulas, stats, TMB, utils

Suggests pbapply, knitr, rmarkdown, raster, shiny, testthat, terra

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, TMB, RcppEigen

System requirements: GNU make

Imported by AHMbook, AICcmodavg, AMModels, nmixgof.

Depended on by ubms.

Suggested by auk, camtrapR, hmmTMB.

Enhanced by MuMIn.

See at CRAN