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0.1-0 by Derek Meyer, 9 months ago,,
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Authors: Derek Meyer [aut, cre] , George Vega Yon [aut] , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [fnd] (Award number 1U01CK000585; 75D30121F00003) , Lindsay Keegan [ctb] , Karim Khader [ctb] , Damon Toth [ctb] , Randon Gruninger [ctb] , Matthew Samore [ctb] , Jay Love [ctb] , Kristina Stratford [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports shinyjs, utils, shinydashboard, DT, ggplot2, epiworldR, shinycssloaders, plotly
Depends on shiny
Suggests knitr
See at CRAN