Reference manual

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0.9.1 by Vadim I. Nazarov, a year ago,

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Authors: Vadim I. Nazarov [aut, cre] , Vasily O. Tsvetkov [aut] , Siarhei Fiadziushchanka [aut] , Eugene Rumynskiy [aut] , Aleksandr A. Popov [aut] , Ivan Balashov [aut] , Maria Samokhina [aut] , Anna Lorenc [ctb] , Daniel J. Moore [ctb] , Victor Greiff [ctb] , ImmunoMind [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License (== 2.0) license

Imports factoextra, fpc, UpSetR, pheatmap, ggrepel, reshape2, circlize, MASS, Rtsne, readxl, shiny, shinythemes, airr, ggseqlogo, ggalluvial, Rcpp, magrittr, methods, scales, ggpubr, rlang, plyr, purrr, stringdist, jsonlite, readr, stringr, tibble, tidyselect, tidyr, igraph, ape, doParallel, rlist, utils, glue, phangorn, uuid, stringi, ggraph

Depends on ggplot2, dplyr, dtplyr, data.table, patchwork

Suggests knitr, roxygen2, testthat, pkgdown, assertthat, rmarkdown

Linking to Rcpp

See at CRAN