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1.2.0 by Winston Chang, 4 years ago
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Authors: Winston Chang [aut, cre] , RStudio [cph] , Thomas Park [ctb, cph] (Bootswatch themes) , Lukasz Dziedzic [ctb, cph] (Lato font) , Nathan Willis [ctb, cph] (News Cycle font) , Google Corporation [ctb, cph] (Open Sans and Roboto fonts) , Matt McInerney [ctb, cph] (Raleway font) , Adobe Systems Incorporated [ctb, cph] (Source Sans Pro font) , Canonical Ltd [ctb, cph] (Ubuntu font)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 | file LICENSE license
Imports shiny
Imported by APIS, AdverseEvents, BlockmodelingGUI, Eagle, EpiSimR, FielDHub, GFD, GFDrmst, GFDrmtl, GFDsurv, GenoTriplo, Isinglandr, LFApp, LipidMS, MadanText, MadanTextNetwork, MetSizeR, MuPETFlow, NiLeDAM, OlympicRshiny, OpenRepGrid.ic, PKconverter, ProjectionBasedClustering, RSP, SEAHORS, SPARTAAS, StepReg, abstractr, appRiori, archeoViz, archeofrag.gui, bayMDS, bayesMRM, bestSDP, bnRep, bootwar, centrifugeR, cheem, cmsaf, cocktailApp, dartR.sim, dlmtree, doublIn, epicmodel, exactamente, gestate, gridsampler, heiscore, holi, html2R, icertool, immunarch, kindisperse, mmiCATs, mmibain, mmirestriktor, monographaR, npboottprm, oceanis, pannotator, papci, phase, precisely, protoshiny, qqvases, quadVAR, rcbayes, scdtb, shinyCLT, shinyNORRRM, shinystan, spANOVA, viewpoly, wppExplorer.
Depended on by kgc, multichull, neodistr, sdcHierarchies, stmgui.
Suggested by AmpGram, CNVScope, CancerGram, Clustering, ImportExport, One4All, PROsetta, QurvE, RDML, ShinyWizard, TestDesign, arulesViz, bayesmove, beanz, bulkAnalyseR, compareGroups, countfitteR, dartR.base, ideanet, idem, influential, lime, mirtCAT, polmineR, prettifyAddins, rco, scDiffCom, shinyMergely, shinyMonacoEditor, shinyPredict, signalHsmm, simRestore, skpr, tipsae, zscorer.
See at CRAN