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1.24.2 by Till Krenz, a year ago,
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Authors: Till Krenz [aut, cre] , Pavel N. Krivitsky [aut] , Raffaele Vacca [aut] , Michal Bojanowski [aut] , Markus Gamper [ctb] , Andreas Herz [aut] , Christopher McCarty [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
AGPL-3 license
Imports tidygraph, srvyr, tidyr, methods, utils, purrr, rlang, pillar
Depends on dplyr, tibble
Suggests knitr, testthat, rmarkdown, survey, shiny, igraph, network, haven
Depended on by ergm.ego.
Suggested by EpiModel, ideanet.
See at CRAN