1.3.17 by Duncan Murdoch, a month ago
https://github.com/dmurdoch/rgl, https://dmurdoch.github.io/rgl/
Report a bug at https://github.com/dmurdoch/rgl/issues
Browse source code at https://github.com/cran/rgl
Authors: Duncan Murdoch [aut, cre] , Daniel Adler [aut] , Oleg Nenadic [ctb] , Simon Urbanek [ctb] , Ming Chen [ctb] , Albrecht Gebhardt [ctb] , Ben Bolker [ctb] , Gabor Csardi [ctb] , Adam Strzelecki [ctb] , Alexander Senger [ctb] , The R Core Team [ctb, cph] , Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb] , The authors of Shiny [cph] , The authors of knitr [cph] , Jeroen Ooms [ctb] , Yohann Demont [ctb] , Joshua Ulrich [ctb] , Xavier Fernandez i Marin [ctb] , George Helffrich [ctb] , Ivan Krylov [ctb] , Michael Sumner [ctb] , Mike Stein [ctb] , Jonathon Love [ctb] , Mapbox team [ctb, cph]
PDF Manual
GPL license
Imports graphics, grDevices, stats, utils, htmlwidgets, htmltools, knitr, jsonlite, magrittr, R6, base64enc, mime
Suggests MASS, markdown, rmarkdown, deldir, orientlib, lattice, misc3d, magick, plotrix, tripack, interp, alphashape3d, tcltk, js, webshot2, downlit, pkgdown, extrafont, shiny, manipulateWidget, testthat, crosstalk, V8, chromote, jpeg, png
Enhances waldo
System requirements: OpenGL and GLU Library (Required for display in R. See "Installing OpenGL support" in README.md. Not needed if only browser displays using rglwidget() are wanted.), zlib (optional), libpng (>=1.2.9, optional), FreeType (optional)
Imported by AFM, Anthropometry, Arothron, ClaimsProblems, ClusROC, ConfidenceEllipse, Directional, ETRep, FTSgof, GPareto, GoodFibes, HDiR, HUM, HiveR, HotellingEllipse, HybridMicrobiomes, JFM, KarsTS, KernSmoothIRT, LOST, MBMethPred, MDSMap, Morpho, MultiscaleDTM, NNS, NPCirc, OCNet, OceanView, OptimalDesign, PsychWordVec, RCDT, RPointCloud, RepeatedHighDim, RockFab, RoundAndRound, Rpolyhedra, StatDA, TML, TPMplt, TSCS, Toothnroll, VoxR, adaptIVPT, adiv, bayesMRM, bdlp, biplotbootGUI, brainKCCA, ciftiTools, cncaGUI, concom, cowbell, cpr, cubing, curvHDR, cxhull, cylcop, dmri.tracking, doolkit, dti, ecdfHT, espadon, export, fabisearch, fingerPro, frontiles, fsbrain, gMOIP, gaussplotR, gbp, genridge, gyro, heplots, hyperoverlap, ivdoctr, jacobi, kernhaz, kpcaIG, lidR, lmviz, matlib, mcauchyd, mcca, mggd, morphomap, mstudentd, mully, multibiplotGUI, multvardiv, neuroim, optBiomarker, orthoDr, particle.swarm.optimisation, pgKDEsphere, predict3d, rTLsDeep, rTwig, rayshader, refreg, rgl.cry, rgl2gltf, rglplus, shapes, shinyRGL, spherepc, stpp, tenm, tessellation, treats, treeDbalance, treespace, trinROC, ucie, uniformly, vegan3d, vennplot, x3ptools.
Depended on by BiplotGUI, ChaosGame, ConsRank, D3mirt, GPoM, LSAfun, MDSGUI, Maeswrap, Rpdb, SEERaBomb, SpatialfdaR, TestGardener, TukeyRegion, alphashape3d, bcROCsurface, bios2mds, bpca, brainR, eegkit, fdaPDE, gellipsoid, gensphere, geoelectrics, geomorph, hyper.fit, kml3d, lba, longitudinalData, metadynminer3d, molaR, morph, mvhist, mvmesh, nat, nat.nblast, nat.templatebrains, plot3Drgl, qpcR, qtlc, snpReady, sphereplot.
Suggested by ACDm, AER, AMAPVox, BLSM, BiodiversityR, Claddis, CoopGame, CytoSimplex, DataVisualizations, DatabionicSwarm, DepthProc, DiceDesign, DiceView, DirichletReg, EMbC, EvolutionaryGames, FCPS, GeneralizedUmatrix, ICAOD, IsoriX, KODAMA, LSDsensitivity, LogConcDEAD, MCMCglmm, MSG, MVNBayesian, OpenRepGrid, QuadratiK, QuantNorm, RCPA3, RQuantLib, RRphylo, RSA, RSAtools, Rcmdr, RcmdrPlugin.HH, RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo, RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos, Rvcg, SITH, Sim.DiffProc, StereoMorph, TSS.RESTREND, TeachingDemos, TrackReconstruction, TreeDist, Umatrix, affiner, archiDART, ashapesampler, baggingbwsel, biplotEZ, ca, candisc, car, cifti, clugenr, cmcR, colocalization, colorSpec, colourvision, compositions, corr2D, crs, dartR.base, ei, emdbook, eplusr, eseis, fdapace, fdasrvf, feature, fitbitViz, fmesher, freesurfer, geocmeans, geometry, gge, gifti, granova, grt, h2o, habtools, hyperSpec, hypervolume, icosa, ieegio, igraph, inlabru, knitr, ks, latentnet, lava, lfda, loon, mgcViz, misc3d, modQR, mosaic, msir, mvQuad, mvinfluence, netmeta, nonlinearTseries, orientlib, pagoda2, paleomorph, pals, pamm, pavo, pegas, phangorn, phytools, piecepackr, poliscidata, polykde, polywog, ptinpoly, qsplines, qualpalr, quantreg, raptr, rasterVis, rayrender, readobj, recexcavAAR, rmoo, rotasym, rpanel, sdetorus, seewave, sensitivity, sfcurve, sm, sna, spNetwork, spacesRGB, spagmix, spatgraphs, spatsurv, specklestar, spheresmooth, stR, tapkee, trajectories, tsDyn, vcdExtra, visreg, zonohedra.
Enhanced by dracor.