Reference manual

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2.2.2 by Joe Cheng, a year ago,

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Authors: Joe Cheng [aut, cre] , Barret Schloerke [aut] , Bhaskar Karambelkar [aut] , Yihui Xie [aut] , Hadley Wickham [ctb] , Kenton Russell [ctb] , Kent Johnson [ctb] , Vladimir Agafonkin [ctb, cph] (Leaflet library) , CloudMade [cph] (Leaflet library) , Leaflet contributors [ctb] (Leaflet library) , Brandon Copeland [ctb, cph] (leaflet-measure plugin) , Joerg Dietrich [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.Terminator plugin) , Benjamin Becquet [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.MagnifyingGlass plugin) , Norkart AS [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.MiniMap plugin) , L. Voogdt [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.awesome-markers plugin) , Daniel Montague [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.EasyButton plugin) , Kartena AB [ctb, cph] (Proj4Leaflet plugin) , Robert Kajic [ctb, cph] (leaflet-locationfilter plugin) , Mapbox [ctb, cph] (leaflet-omnivore plugin) , Michael Bostock [ctb, cph] (topojson) , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports crosstalk, htmltools, htmlwidgets, jquerylib, leaflet.providers, magrittr, methods, png, raster, RColorBrewer, scales, sp, stats, viridisLite, xfun

Suggests knitr, maps, purrr, R6, RJSONIO, rmarkdown, s2, sf, shiny, terra, testthat

Imported by AirExposure, AirMonitor, AtlasMaker, CARBayesST, CopernicusMarine, DBTCShiny, EEAaq, GISSB, GPSeqClus, GTFSwizard, IceSat2R, LifemapR, MDMAPR, MazamaLocationUtils, Poly4AT, PublicWorksFinanceIT, QRAGadget, Rlibkdv, SPARTAAS, SSDM, StormR, Twitmo, UnalR, VicmapR, antaresViz, bamm, bayesmove, bcdata, bivariateLeaflet, bluebike, convergEU, damAOI, drhutools, eAnalytics, eph, epiCo, epiflows, fitbitViz, fude, gatoRs, genogeographer, geoAr, geocmeans, geodrawr, glossa, gwavr, gwpcormapper, icardaFIGSr, jpmesh, leafdown, leafem, leafgl, leaflegend, leaflet.minicharts, leafletZH, leafpm, leafsync, lingtypology, mapboxapi, mapedit, mapview, meltt, mmaqshiny, naturaList, navigation, neotoma2, occCite, oceanis, ofpetrial, openairmaps, openrouteservice, pannotator, pargasite, pbr, ppcSpatial, qualmap, rcrimeanalysis, rgee, ridigbio, robis, rsat, semnar, sits, smartmap, spatialrisk, starsTileServer, stppSim, tmap, toxEval, trackeR, valhallr, valuemap, webmap, worldmet.

Depended on by RchivalTag, gde, leaflet.esri, leaflet.extras, leaflet.extras2, leaftime, mgwrsar, shinyscholar, wallace.

Suggested by BeeBDC, ColOpenData, ENMTools, FedData, HYPEtools, MetricGraph, RgoogleMaps, agricolaeplotr, amt, ar.matrix, berryFunctions, camtrapR, cancensus, covid19br, csmaps, csodata, cubble, dartR.base, dartR.popgen, eSDM, echarts4r, echarty, findSVI, geofi, geojsonio, geslaR, hydflood, iheiddown, lcars, leafpop, lterdatasampler, macleish, manipulateWidget, mapSpain, mapgl, mapsapi, mdsr, mosaic, move, nhdplusTools, npphen, owmr, pct, pcutils, pdxTrees, phenocamr, pliman, rasterList, rdwd, reactable, repr, rfars, rnrfa, rstac, rtrek, scapesClassification, segclust2d, shiny.fluent, shiny.react, shiny.semantic, slickR, snotelr, stats19, stplanr, surveydown, terra, tidytransit, tigris, tilegramsR, tiler, tipsae, tricolore, ukpolice, ursa, villager, warbleR, windfarmGA, zonebuilder.

See at CRAN