Reference manual

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2.6.0 by Jonah Gabry, 3 years ago,

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Authors: Jonah Gabry [aut, cre] , Duco Veen [aut] , Stan Development Team [ctb] , Michael Andreae [ctb] , Michael Betancourt [ctb] , Bob Carpenter [ctb] , Yuanjun Gao [ctb] , Andrew Gelman [ctb] , Ben Goodrich [ctb] , Daniel Lee [ctb] , Dongying Song [ctb] , Rob Trangucci [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports bayesplot, colourpicker, DT, dygraphs, ggplot2, gridExtra, gtools, markdown, methods, reshape2, rstan, stats, shinyjs, shinythemes, threejs, utils, xtable, xts

Depends on shiny

Suggests cmdstanr, coda, knitr, posterior, rmarkdown, rsconnect, rstanarm, testthat

Imported by multilevelcoda, rstanarm.

Suggested by MetaStan, StanMoMo, adnuts, bayesplot, breathteststan, brms, rstan, shinybrms.

See at CRAN