Reference manual

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2.12.0 by Finn Lindgren, 4 months ago,,

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Authors: Finn Lindgren [aut, cre, cph] , Finn Lindgren continued development of the main code) , Fabian E. Bachl [aut, cph] (Fabian Bachl wrote the main code) , David L. Borchers [ctb, dtc, cph] (David Borchers wrote code for Gorilla data import and sampling , multiplot tool) , Daniel Simpson [ctb, cph] (Daniel Simpson wrote the basic LGCP sampling method) , Lindesay Scott-Howard [ctb, dtc, cph] (Lindesay Scott-Howard provided MRSea data import code) , Seaton Andy [ctb] (Andy Seaton provided testing , bugfixes , and vignettes) , Suen Man Ho [ctb, cph] (Man Ho Suen contributed features for aggregated responses and vignette updates) , Roudier Pierre [ctb, cph] (Pierre Roudier contributed general quantile summaries) , Meehan Tim [ctb, cph] (Tim Meehan contributed the SVC vignette and robins data) , Reddy Peddinenikalva Niharika [ctb, cph] (Niharika Peddinenikalva contributed the LGCP residuals vignette) , Perepolkin Dmytro [ctb, cph] (Dmytro Perepolkin contributed the ZIP/ZAP vignette)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports dplyr, lifecycle, magrittr, MatrixModels, Matrix, plyr, rlang, sf, tibble, utils, withr

Depends on fmesher, methods, stats

Suggests covr, ggplot2, graphics, INLA, knitr, maps, mgcv, patchwork, raster, RColorBrewer, rgl, rmarkdown, scales, shiny, sn, sp, spatstat.geom,, sphereplot, splancs, terra, tidyterra, testthat, tidyr, DiagrammeR

Enhances stars

Imported by bmstdr, intSDM.

Depended on by PointedSDMs.

Suggested by INLAspacetime, MetricGraph, clustTMB, rSPDE.

See at CRAN