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0.7.1 by Alan O'Callaghan, a year ago (website)
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Authors: Alicia Schep [aut] , Sarah Kummerfeld [aut] , Genentech [cph] , Andee Kaplan [rev] (Reviewer for rOpensci review process , Carl Ganz [rev] (Reviewer for rOpensci review process , Alex Johnson [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Étienne Tétreault-Pinard [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Mikola Lysenko [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Ricky Reusser [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Robert Monfera [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Nicolas Riesco [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Miklós Tusz [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Chelsea Douglas [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Ben Postlethwaite [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Chris Parmer [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Alex Vados [ctb] (plotly.js library) , Plotly [cph] (plotly.js library) , Frederick Boehm [ctb] (colorbars & main_heatmap) , Alan O'Callaghan [cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports methods, utils, magrittr, stats, ggdendro, fastcluster, RColorBrewer, htmlwidgets, jsonlite, scales, knitr, tools
Suggests htmltools, datasets, shiny, testthat, rmarkdown, reshape2, roxygen2, covr, webshot
Imported by shinyExprPortal.
See at CRAN