Reference manual

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3.3-4 by Martijn Tennekes, a year ago,

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Authors: Martijn Tennekes [aut, cre] , Jakub Nowosad [ctb] , Joel Gombin [ctb] , Sebastian Jeworutzki [ctb] , Kent Russell [ctb] , Richard Zijdeman [ctb] , John Clouse [ctb] , Robin Lovelace [ctb] , Jannes Muenchow [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports tmaptools, sf, stars, units, grid, RColorBrewer, viridisLite, classInt, htmltools, htmlwidgets, widgetframe, leaflet, leafsync, leafem, stats, abind, rlang, utils

Depends on methods

Suggests rmapshaper, rmarkdown, knitr, png, cartogram, osmdata, ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, shiny, testthat, covr, av, gifski, s2

Imported by CvmortalityMult, GREENeR, LabourMarketAreas, MainExistingDatasets, MazamaSpatialPlots, abmR, bangladesh, bayesEO, bdl, geocmeans, glottospace, mapping, ofpetrial, pacu, ppcSpatial, priorCON, rsat, spatialrisk.

Suggested by CAST, MultiscaleDTM, OpenLand, SpatialKDE, SpatialRDD, abstr, bigDM, blockCV, disdat, eSDM, epm, findSVI, happign, igr, mapboxapi, prioriactions, rGhanaCensus, rnaturalearth, roads, rstac, sf, simodels, sits, spatialreg, spdep, spnaf, stats19, stplanr, tipsae, tmaptools, waterquality, zonebuilder.

See at CRAN