Reference manual

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0.4.4 by Greg Lin, 2 years ago,

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Authors: Greg Lin [aut, cre] , Tanner Linsley [ctb, cph] (React Table library) , Emotion team and other contributors [ctb, cph] (Emotion library) , Kent Russell [ctb, cph] (reactR package) , Ramnath Vaidyanathan [ctb, cph] (htmlwidgets package) , Joe Cheng [ctb, cph] (htmlwidgets package) , JJ Allaire [ctb, cph] (htmlwidgets package) , Yihui Xie [ctb, cph] (htmlwidgets package) , Kenton Russell [ctb, cph] (htmlwidgets package) , Facebook , Inc. and its affiliates [ctb, cph] (React library) , FormatJS [ctb, cph] (FormatJS libraries) , Feross Aboukhadijeh , and other contributors [ctb, cph] (buffer library) , Roman Shtylman [ctb, cph] (process library) , James Halliday [ctb, cph] (stream-browserify library) , Posit Software , PBC [fnd, cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports digest, htmltools, htmlwidgets, jsonlite, reactR

Suggests covr, crosstalk, dplyr, fontawesome, knitr, leaflet, MASS, rmarkdown, shiny, sparkline, testthat, tippy, V8

Imported by MDMAPR, OhdsiReportGenerator, activAnalyzer, agcounts, connectwidgets, daiquiri, datacutr, datamods, dlookr, felp, forestly, gt, istat, kesernetwork,, metalite.table1, modeltime, packagefinder, pioneeR, qrlabelr, reactable.extras, shinyfilter, shinymgr, shinyquiz, tablet.

Depended on by reactablefmtr.

Suggested by BayesianMCPMod, PhenotypeR, SSVS, STATcubeR, VIM, admiral, bscui, cleanepi, dm, findSVI, finnts, galah, inldata, inlpubs, latex2exp, mlms, planr, prolific.api, smdi, text.

See at CRAN