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2.32.1 by Ben Goodrich, a year ago,
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Authors: Jonah Gabry [aut] , Imad Ali [ctb] , Sam Brilleman [ctb] , Jacqueline Buros Novik [ctb] (R/stan_jm.R) , AstraZeneca [ctb] (R/stan_jm.R) , Trustees of Columbia University [cph] , Simon Wood [cph] (R/stan_gamm4.R) , R Core Deveopment Team [cph] (R/stan_aov.R) , Douglas Bates [cph] (R/pp_data.R) , Martin Maechler [cph] (R/pp_data.R) , Ben Bolker [cph] (R/pp_data.R) , Steve Walker [cph] (R/pp_data.R) , Brian Ripley [cph] (R/stan_aov.R , R/stan_polr.R) , William Venables [cph] (R/stan_polr.R) , Paul-Christian Burkner [cph] (R/misc.R) , Ben Goodrich [cre, aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Imports bayesplot, ggplot2, lme4, loo, Matrix, nlme, posterior, rstan, rstantools, shinystan, stats, survival, RcppParallel, utils
Depends on Rcpp, methods
Suggests biglm, betareg, data.table, digest, gridExtra, HSAUR3, knitr, MASS, mgcv, rmarkdown, roxygen2, StanHeaders, testthat, gamm4, shiny, V8
Linking to StanHeaders, rstan, BH, Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppParallel
System requirements: GNU make, pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
Imported by BayesERtools, BayesPostEst, IRexamples, SIMPLE.REGRESSION, bayesrules, jmBIG, tidyposterior, webSDM.
Depended on by AuxSurvey, evidence, fbst.
Suggested by INLAjoint, RBesT, SAMprior, afex, bayesMeanScale, bayesplot, bayestestR, bridgesampling, broom.helpers, broom.mixed, conformalbayes, correlation, datawizard, effectsize, embed, fastml, ggeffects, insight, loo, marginaleffects, merTools, modelbased, modelsummary, orbital, parameters, performance, projpred, rdss, report, see, shinybrms, shinystan, sjPlot, tidyAML, tidybayes.
Enhanced by emmeans, interactions, jtools.
See at CRAN