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1.2.1 by Carson Sievert, a year ago,
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Authors: Joe Cheng [aut] , Carson Sievert [aut, cre] , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd] , jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library) , jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt) , Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library) , Twitter , Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library) , Brian Reavis [ctb, cph] (selectize.js library) , Kristopher Michael Kowal [ctb, cph] (es5-shim library) , es5-shim contributors [ctb, cph] (es5-shim library) , Denis Ineshin [ctb, cph] (ion.rangeSlider library) , Sami Samhuri [ctb, cph] (Javascript strftime library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports htmltools, jsonlite, lazyeval, R6
Suggests shiny, ggplot2, testthat, sass, bslib
Imported by DT, RagGrid, bamm, boxly, clinUtils, connectwidgets, forestly, gprofiler2, gwpcormapper, kpiwidget, langevitour, leaflet, linevis, plotly, shinybody, sigmajs, threejs, tsibbletalk.
Suggested by GGally, SimSurvey, cubble, detourr, echarty, enviGCMS, govdown, lineupjs, reactable, rgl, upsetjs.
See at CRAN