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1.4.2 by Didier Murillo, 5 months ago,
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Authors: Didier Murillo [cre, aut] , Salvador Gezan [aut] , Ana Heilman [ctb] , Thomas Walk [ctb] , Johan Aparicio [ctb] , Matthew Seefeldt [ctb] , Jean-Marc Montpetit [ctb] , Richard Horsley [ctb] , North Dakota State University [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports config, golem, shiny, htmltools, DT, shinythemes, dplyr, numbers, blocksdesign, shinycssloaders, ggplot2, plotly, viridis, shinyalert, desplot, shinyjs
Suggests testthat, spelling, rlang, glue, knitr, kableExtra, rmarkdown
Imported by agricolaeplotr.
See at CRAN