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0.9.4 by Joshua Kunst, 3 years ago,
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Authors: Joshua Kunst [aut, cre] , Nuno Agostinho [ctb] (hchart.survfit , densities and hc_add_series_scatter) , Danton Noriega [ctb] (hcaes_) , Martin John Hadley [ctb] (hc_add_event_point improvement) , Eduardo Flores [ctb] (First version hc_add_series_df_tidy) , Dean Kilfoyle [ctb] (First version hc_add_series_boxplot) , Adline Dsilva [ctb] (First version Matrix heatmap) , Kamil Slowikowski [ctb] , Christian Minich [ctb] (hcaes mutate_mapping improvement) , Jonathan Armond [ctb] (mutate_mapping bugfix) , David Breuer [ctb] (download_map_data quiet parameter) , Mauricio Vargas [ctb] (tests and gh-actions) , Michael Yan [ctb] (Motivational example for treemap/sunburst data helper) , Bart Oortwijn [ctb] (rjson option , hc_add_yAxis , and GH issues collaborator) , Paul Campbell [ctb] (additional proxy methods)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports htmlwidgets, magrittr, purrr, rlist, assertthat, zoo, dplyr, tibble, stringr, broom, xts, quantmod, tidyr, htmltools, jsonlite, igraph, lubridate, yaml, rlang, rjson
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, survival, ggplot2, httr, viridisLite, shiny, MASS, gapminder, forecast, geojsonio, testthat, covr, spelling
Imported by AovBay, BRVM, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, RKorAPClient, T2Qv, UnalR, ggfootball.
Suggested by DramaAnalysis, planr, shinyjqui, vistime, xplorerr.
See at CRAN