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3.6.2 by Virginie Rondeau, 3 months ago
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Authors: Virginie Rondeau [aut, cre] , Juan R. Gonzalez [aut] , Yassin Mazroui [aut] , Audrey Mauguen [aut] , Amadou Diakite [aut] , Alexandre Laurent [aut] , Myriam Lopez [aut] , Agnieszka Krol [aut] , Casimir L. Sofeu [aut] , Julien Dumerc [aut] , Denis Rustand [aut] , Jocelyn Chauvet [aut] , Quentin Le Coent [aut] , Romain Pierlot [aut] , Lacey Etzkorn [aut] , David Hill [cph] , John Burkardt [cph] , Alan Genz [cph] , Ashwith J. Rego [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2.0) license
Imports statmod, nlme, shiny, rootSolve, splines
Depends on survival, boot, MASS, survC1, doBy
Suggests knitr, testthat, rmarkdown, markdown
Imported by PDXpower.
Suggested by INLAjoint, icensBKL.
See at CRAN