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1.2.7 by Yueyang Shen, 6 months ago,,
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Authors: Yongkai Qiu [aut] , Zhe Yin [aut] , Jinwen Cao [aut] , Yupeng Zhang [aut] , Yuyao Liu [aut] , Rongqian Zhang [aut] , Yueyang Shen [aut, cre] , Rouben Rostamian [ctb] , Ranjan Maitra [ctb] , Daniel Rowe [ctb] , Daniel Adrian [ctb] (gLRT method for complex-valued fMRI statistics) , Yunjie Guo [aut] , Ivo Dinov [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports stats, ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, RColorBrewer, fancycut, scales, plotly, gridExtra, ggpubr, ICSNP, rrcov, geometry, DT, forecast, fmri, pracma, zoo, extraDistr, parallel, foreach, spatstat.explore, spatstat.geom, cubature, doParallel, reshape2, MultiwayRegression, interp
Suggests oro.nifti, magrittr, knitr, rmarkdown
System requirements: GNU make
See at CRAN