Reference manual

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2.2.0 by Vincent Arel-Bundock, 3 months ago

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Authors: Vincent Arel-Bundock [aut, cre, cph] , Joachim Gassen [ctb] , Nathan Eastwood [ctb] , Nick Huntington-Klein [ctb] , Moritz Schwarz [ctb] , Benjamin Elbers [ctb] , Grant McDermott [ctb] , Lukas Wallrich [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports checkmate, data.table, generics, glue, insight, methods, parameters, performance, tables, tinytable

Suggests AER, altdoc, Amelia, betareg, bookdown, brms, broom, broom.mixed, car, clubSandwich, correlation, covr, did, digest, DT, estimatr, fixest, flextable, future, future.apply, gamlss, ggdist, ggplot2, gh, gt, gtExtras, haven, huxtable, labelled, IRdisplay, ivreg, kableExtra, knitr, lavaan, lfe, lme4, lmtest, magick, magrittr, marginaleffects, MASS, mgcv, mice, nlme, nnet, officer, openxlsx, pandoc, parallel, pscl, psych, remotes, rmarkdown, rstanarm, rsvg, sandwich, spelling, survey, survival, tibble, tictoc, tidyselect, tidyverse, tinysnapshot, tinytest, tinytex, webshot2, wesanderson

Imported by panelsummary.

Suggested by drhur, estimatr, etwfe, iheiddown, ivreg, marginaleffects, mhurdle, micsr, ordbetareg.

See at CRAN